Noble/Steensland - Section 1 - Lot 63 -

Halle Steensland  Jun 4, 1832 - Aug 20, 1910
  • Born in Norway, Steensland came to Madison in 1855, served on the city council
  • Vice counsel in Wisconsin for Norway and Sweden for 33 years
  • Donated $10,000 in 1904 to build a bridge (The Steensland Bridge) across the Yahara River on East Washington Avenue to comemorate his 50 years in Madison
  • Helped found Bethel Lutheran Church

    Sophia "Saave" Halverson  Sep 12, 1834 - Mar 27, 1907

    Adolph Emil Steensland  Feb 3, 1879 - Jul 4, 1935
  • Halle & Sophia son

  • Steensland House in Mansion Hill
    Built 1897
    315 N. Carroll St., Now 15 W. Gorham St. - Madison & National Landmark

    Hulbert M. Steensland  Jul 17, 1863 - Sep 10, 1864

    Knud H. Steensland  Sep 15, 1834 - Aug 14, 1870

    Ingebor K. Steensland  1805 - Sep 17, 1869

    Unknown Steensland
  • No appl, no info, baby sized grave

    [Halbert S. Steensland (Dr.) Sec 19 Lot 256 -
    He was born in 1873. Removal from Sec. 1, Lot 63.]