Olin/Laird - Forest Hill Cemetery - Section 9 - Lot 9/12/13

John Myers Olin  1851 - 1924
  • Lawyer & Politician
  • President of Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Assoc. for 15 years Father of Madison's park system,
  • Two parks named in his honor, Olin Park, and the former Olin Terrace

  • Helen Remington Olin  1854 - 1922

    Harriet Remington Laird  1866 - 1901

    John donated their home in University Heights to the University of Wisconsin in memory of Helen. It's now the Chancellor's Residence

    130 N. Prospect Ave.     Built 1911-12     by Ferry & Clas

    The forbidden garage - The UW chancellor's house was donated to the university by John Olin upon his death in 1924. In writing his will, he forbade the subsequent addition of any garage to the estate, which covered eight city lots. "I don't see how such a building can be erected on any part of these grounds without very much injuring the same," he wrote. The house today has a lovely garage.