Swarsensky - Forest Hill Cemetery - Section 10 - Lot 99

Rabbi Manfred Swarsensky  1906 - 1981
  • Survived a concentration camp in Nazi Germany
  • Came to Madison in 1940
  • Founded Temple Beth El
  • Honorary doctorate from Edgewood College
  • During Vietnam era unrest in Madison he rode with patrols, leaving the squad cars to encourage calm
  • Gave Robert Fassnacht's eulogy

  • Swarsensky Wrote Two Books:
  • From Generation to Generation - Story of the Madison Jewish community's first 100 years
  • Intimates and Ultimates - Collection of Swarsensky's speeches and essays

  • Book on Swarsensky's Life:
  • Mensch: Biography and Writing of Manfred Eric Swarsensky by Marvin Zolot