Bradley - Forest Hill Cemetery - Section 21 - Lot 8

Mary Cornelia Bradley  May 2, 1909 - Jan 15, 1916
  • 6 year old Mary died of Spinal Meningitis and pneumonia
  • The Bradley House in University Heights was built for her parents


  • Mary's parents, Professor Harold C. & Mary Josephine Crane Bradley, founded the Mary Cornelia Bradley Memorial Hospital to study children's diseases

    1225 Linden Dr. (Origionally addressed on Orchard St.)     Built 1918-20
  • A childrens hospital until 1930 (when the Orthopedic Hospital was built)
  • Building still used as part of the UW Medical School
  • The Bradleys didn't want money used for a fancy building, somthing simple
  • Pressed into service before completion because of the influenza epidemic of 1918
  • In 1950 a bridge connected it to the UW Hospital (now the "old" hospital)