Ersland - Forest Hill Cemetery - Section 22 - Lot 216/219

Arthur Norman Ersland  Oct 17, 1917 - Oct 28, 1918
  • Lot 219
  • Arthur died of the Spanish flu in the pandemic of 1918

    Borghild Marie Ersland May 2,1914 - Jul 12, 1916
  • Lot 216
  • Borghild died of pneumonia

    The Ersland gravesites were considered in the Potter's Field when they were burried in 1916 & 1918, but a relative paid and had granite markers placed for both almost a century later 2007/8

    Their Norwegian immigrant parents, Peder and Lorentze Erland, couldn't afford the $8 cost of a burial plot for either child. Their first home in Madison was in the Greenbush neighborhood; they later moved to a Norwegian enclave on Winnebago St. After the children died, Peder and Lorentze had two more children, who they also named Arthur and Borghild. The second set of Arthur and Borghild, as well the couple's four other children, survived into adulthood.