Ogden - Forest Hill Cemetery - Section 27 - Lot 94

Francis A. Ogden  Apr 23, 1835 - Jun 6, 1914

Abraham "Abram" Ogden  Jan 29, 1796 - Jul 28, 1856
  • Died four weeks after he tried to board a moving train, which ran over his leg
  • Mary "Polly" Smith Ogden  Aug 29, 1798 - Dec 23, 1894

    Zinc Monument (& Markers) - One of two in Forest Hill
  • Beginning in the 1870s, monuments began to be made of zinc because they were inexpensive
  • Called them "White Bronze" to make them more appealing
  • Pieces ordered from a catalog and then assemblled on site
  • Exposed to the elements they form a skin of zinc carbonate that gives the monuments the bluish gray color