Vilas Park & Zoo
  • On June 30, 1904, Col. William F. & Anna Vilas donated $18,000 to The Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association “for the uses and purposes of a public park and pleasure ground.” to be named in honor of their son Henry, who died at a young age due to complications from diabetes.
  • From 1905 through 1910, the Vilas family donated an additional $42,000 for improvements, and public donations of $10,000 were raised for the enlargement and improvement of the park.
  • In 1911, the first animal exhibits were created, representing the start of the Henry Vilas Zoo.
  • In what has proved to be a defining and truly visionary move, the Vilas Family stipulated that the park always be admission free. As the zoo developed within the park, it too remained free.
  • In 1983, the Zoo was identified as a regional community that could be better served by county operations. The Zoo (approximately 28 acres) was “separated” from the city-owned park (about 50 acres), and a County Zoo Commission was formed.
  • Dane County now operates the zoo, contributing 80 percent of the operating funds while the City of Madison contributes 20 percent.

    Vilas Zoo Carousel

    The Vilas Zoo Monkeys
    The Vilas Zoo used to house150 rhesus monkeys. When it was discovered the university was doing invasive procedures there was much controversy and protesting. Funding was eventually pulled and the monkeys were moved. After heated debates on where they would go, they were sent to the university of Tulane. The cage that held the monkeys at the zoo is no longer there, and no other animals have taken that spot in the zoo.

    Annie C. Stewart Memorial (Drinking Fountain)     632 Wingra St     White Italian Carra Marble
    Artist: Frederic J. Clasgens
    The old pedestrian entrance of Vilas Zoo