Soldiers' Lot - Civil War -
Individuals Buried in Soldiers' Lot:
  • Barnes, Sgt. Charles CW
  • Beardsley, Civilian Elmer
  • Carson, Alfred H.
  • Crawford, Pvt. John CW
  • Degenhart, Pvt. Fritz CW
  • Duncan, William G.
  • Geer, Joel L.
  • Hochmuth, Sabastian
  • Kendall, Isaac G.
  • Lambert, Pvt. Joseph CW
  • Lindloge, Pvt. William CW
  • Lukenich, Pvt. Nick WWI
  • Marshall, William
  • Mathieson, Andrew
  • Miller, Smn. Frank WWI
  • Nuscher, Pvt. Ernest CW
  • Oliver, Nicholas
  • Roberts, Sgt. Malcolm WWI
  • Smith, Pvt. Frank WWI
  • Staples, Sgt. James CW
  • Story, Pvt. John CW
  • Taves, Pvt. John CW
  • Tubbs, Edwin C.
  • Turner, Henry CW
  • Williams, Pvt. Charles WWI
  • Wilson, Pvt. Samuel Span-Amer
  • Ybarra, Pvt. Antonio WWI

    ** There are other Civil War
    veterans scattered throughout
    Forest Hill.

  • Civil War - Orphans Memorial

    The city of Madison donated the 0.36-acre plot, located in Section 34, to the federal government in 1886, the last burial was in 1931. Civil War veterans constitute the majority of the interments; however, there are also Spanish-American War and World War I veterans buried here.

    Burials in the Soldiers' Lot began in 1862. About 200 Civil War soldiers who died while training at Camp Randall or being cared for in the Harvey Hospital are buried in what became a national cemetery in 1871. Because the original markers were made of wood, and the cemetery lost its records to a fire in the late 1800s, no one is certain how many are actually buried here or who rests beneath each stone. This soldiers' lot is overseen by Wood National Cemetery.

    Granite bench inscribed and dedicated to the Grand Army of the Republic is situated at the front of the soldiers' lot.

    Unkown Soldiers Memorial from the Woman's Relief Corps:
    The Woman's Relief Corps, No. 37, erected a large boulder memorial dedicated to the memory of the unknown dead in 1891.
        NO. 37               1891

    There are also 13 markers for unkowns: