Interesting and Unusual Epitaphs - Forest Hill Cemetery

Epitaph: An Inscription on a Tombstone or Monument in Memory of the Person Interred There

Bincer, Wanda -
  • Born Warsaw Poland - Shoah Survivor - Member of Polish Underground - Psychiatrist, Lived Her Life to Help Others

  • Brackett, Cyril
  • Student of the University Drowned in Lake Menona

  • Brown, Charles
  • Wisconsin Archaeologist

  • Cassidy, Frederic & Helen
  • The World is so Full of a Number of Things I'm Sure We Should All be as Happy as Kings   R.L. Stevenson
  • Life is so Full of Surprises I Don't Know Why Death Shouldn't be Also   V. Nabokov

  • Delaplaine, George
  • The World Is My Country; To Do Good My Religion

  • Douglas, William
  • A Cripple For 43 YRs He Bore His Infirmity With Dignity Intelligent Honorable Reverent

  • Eldridge, Charles
  • In Memory Of Our Little Man

  • Gawara, Helen
  • She Bore Witness to the Holocaust She is Now Set Free

  • George, John
  • Killed by the Cars

  • Gurevich, Rosa
  • Survived The Blockade

  • Hunt, Michael
  • Hoka Hey

  • Hughes, Evelyn
  • Protect Animal Life

  • Lewis, Anna & Henry
  • He Is Not Dead He Is Just Away
  • She Is Not Dead She Is Just Away

  • Mader, Sylvia
  • Beam Me Up

  • McBride, James
  • Here Lies a Sinner Saved by Grace

  • Otis, Daniel & Mary
  • Vision Without a Task is a Dream   Task Without a Vision is a Drudgery   Task With a Vision is a Challenge

  • Quigley, Rev. Susan
  • Best Friends, We Grew Up Together and Realized Many Dreams

  • Rice, June & Frieda Ziebarth
  • Budded on Earth to Bloom in Heaven

  • Rosenberg, Iris
  • If You Can Fill the Unforgiving Minute With Sixty Seconds' Worth of Distance Run, Yours is the Earth and Everything That's in it, And
        -- Which is More -- You'll be a Man My Son

  • Sauer, Honie
  • We Loved Her

  • Schimming, Milo
  • Thank You for Coming   Pardon us for not Rising

  • Scott Children
  • Four Infant Children of Gerhard & Nora Scott

  • Seligman, Ralph
  • Drowned in Lake Monona

  • Spooner, Janet
  • The Dear Childe   She is Not Dead But Sleepeth

  • Thomas, Howard & Thomas, Joseph
  • We Went Home, See Ya Later

  • Workman, Yvonne
  • Murdered - Your Spirit of Love, Compassion and Belief in the Goodness in all Has Touched Many Lives and Lives on... Shalom Yvonnie

  • Young, Amy
  • Drowned in an Attempt to Rescue Our Daughter, Betty