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Abaly - 11yo James knelt down to tie his shoe and was backed over by a car in front of Washington School (1914) - Constantine, Infant, Mary, William
Abbott - Charles and Theodore were moved to Forest Hill from the Village Cemetery
Abbott - Chauncey was Village President (1852), family moved from Village Cemetery (1862) - John was moved to Arlington National Cemetery, his stone remains (1933)
                Annie, Fanny, Jane, John, Maxwell, Samuel
Abbott - Abijah produced many of the oldest headstones/monuments in Forest Hill, some have his name carved into them - Charles, Ettie, Evaline, George, Helen, Martha
Acly - Claire, Martha, Rhea

Adams - Deane was one of the owners of the Simon House restaurant - Gertrude
Adams - Audrey
Adams - Henry was U.S. Representative from Wisconsin, 2nd District (1903-06) - Anna, Benjamine, Caroline, Frank, Mabel
Adams - Henry
Adams - Kenneth was in a car stunt gone wrong when he failed to get out in time (1954) - Teckla's bicycle was hit by a car on W. Broadway in Monona (1968)
Adams - 7yo Sarah drown in Lake Mendota at McBride's Point (1878)
Adams - Charles was University of Wisconsin President (1892-1901), moved to Forest Hill from California (1908) - Mary

Adelman - Mary drown in a pool in Tempe, Arizona (1976) - Walter
Adrian - Otto was one of two men in an oxygen tank explosion at a plant in Waukesha (1929)
Agard - Ann, Walter
Agard - 5 month old John suffocated, aspiration of milk (1952) - Joan
Agnew - Alexander, Inez
Ahrensmeyer - Alden, Bessie, Carl, Elizabeth, Infant, Jane, Lucille
Ahrensmeyer - Edna lived to be 102 years old (2017) - Roy

Ainsworth - Nellie drown going through the ice while skating in Michigan (1905) - Alice, Clara, Henry, Phebe, Reuben
Ainsworth - Charles "Sidney" was an actor, born in England, he came to the United States in 1877 (1922) - Elsie, Harry, Janette
Aitchinson - Leigh, William
Albers - Infants
Albright - 5 month old Robert suffocated from a cold in his crib (1944) - Infant, Robert, Rose, Thomas
Albright - 5yo John was run over by a car while walking with his grandfather along Hwy 113 (1972) - John, Lois

Alexander - 5yo Robert and another young boy drown when they went through the ice on Lake Mendota, his dog tried to alert police (1938) - Charles, Ethel
Alexander - Duane was 99 when he passed (2018) - Bette
Alexander - Davis, Della, Edwin, Gudrun
Alexander - Marvin, a World War I veteran, jumped from an eighth floor window at the WP&L building (1950)

Alderson - Joseph, Louise
Alfgren - Jean
Alford - Nora was burned (1906)
Alford - Jabe was Madison's 28th mayor (1895) - Roy drown in (1897) - Edmund was in a car accident (1912) - Harry had a concussion (1932)
                Alice, Cornelia, Frank, Louise, M.L "Brooks", Margaret, Mary, Mitchell, Rachel, Walter, William

Allen - Molly
Allen - Duane was hit by a car (1958) - Mildred, Robert
Allen - Louis
Allen - James was hit by a stray bullet in a hunting accident (1934) - Zella
Allen - Patrick was in a motorcycle/truck accident on Stoughton Road (1978)

Allen - William drown in Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota (1898) - Katharine was in an automobile accident near Whitewater (1940) - Andrews, Margaret
Allen - Wanda, William
Allen - Myeshia survived a crash on I39/I90 in Rock County but then was rear-ended by a semi before she could get out of her car (2018)
Allen - Charles drown in Lake Monona (1894)
Allport - Abegail

Allyn - Anna, Charles, Horace
Almybu - Warren
Altenburg - Eunice
Ambler - William was in an automobile accident at University Avenue & Breese Terrace (1925) - Katie
Amborn - Anna lived to be 100 years old (1995) - Lewis

Ammerman - Roscoe was killed in action in Da Nang, Vietnam (1965) - Anastasia
Amsrud - Richard was electrocuted working for MG&E (1953)
Andauer - Annie, Ernest
Anderberg - Edgar shot himself in a hunting accident (1926) - George set his belongings and himself on fire (1966) - Albert, Charles, Clifford, Selma
Andersen - Anna, Charles

Anderson - Susan
Anderson - Elizabeth, Forrest
Anderson - Steven was in an auto accident near McFarland (1974) - Alyce, Benjamin, Richard
Anderson - Stephen
Anderson - Birdie was the mother of fourteen children
Anderson - Hans was hit by a train (1939)

Anderson - Severt was hit by a car at Spaight & Baldwin Streets, blamed on faulty brakes (1936)
Anderson - Donald, Margaret
Anderson - Christ was removing a tree and it fell on him (1914)
Anderson - Bertha was asphyxiated by gas, she may have brushed against the stove and turned on the gas (1921)
Anderson - Mary fell from a a sixth floor window of her apartment on N. Carroll Street (1981)

Anderson - Frank had a heart attack while playing with his band at the Embers Restaurant (1961) - Kathryn
Anderson - Louis
Anderson - Regnilda, Sever
Anderson - Dorval
Anderson - Dorothy

Anderson - Andrew, Julia
Anderson - Louis
Anderson - Rose
Anderson - William was once a slave (1919)
Anderson - Agnete, Syver
Anderson - Norman was in an auto accident in California when he rear ended a semi at high speed (1973) - Arnold, Dorothy
Anderson - Charles was in a car accident in Los Angeles (1972), moved to Missouri (1986)

Andrew - Dr. Andrew was piloting a plane that crashed, he had just finished performing operations (1984)
Andrews - 4yo Donna was playing with matches and her dress caught on fire (1935) - Alethea, Arnold, Lydia, Lyle, Nona
Andrusier - Isidore
Angell - Rosalyn succumbed to poisoning (1918) - Stella, William
Annen - Brothers Albert and Herbert took their own lives two months apart (1957/1958)
Ansell - Lois was in a house fire on Frisch Road, she was out but went back in with a fire extinguisher (2004) - Marlene, Sherman
Anstett - Emma, Mary, William

Apt - Charlotte, Max
Ara - Kaname
Argyris - George shot himself after murdering a woman in Milwaukee (1965) - Athanasia
Armstrong - 1yo Robert was accidentally poisoned (1914) - John
Arneal - Ralph shot himself on his ex wife's porch on S. Marquette Street (1953) - Mary, William
Arnold - Ralph passed the day before his 101st birthday (2021), Helen was 95 (2020)
Arnold - Roberta was murdered, beaten and "throat strangulation by hands" (1971) - Emile, Robert

Arnold - Henry was in a farming accident, run-away team (1943) - Marie
Ashard - William, a Civil War veteran, was hit by a car (1915) - Fannie, Harold, Maude, Ula
Ashbrook - Lucille took her life with gas, despondent that she lost her eyesight two years prior (1922) - Arthur, Katherine
Ashmore - 3yo Nathaniel was thrown from the car he was in when it rolled over after skidding on ice and snow on Hwy T near Evansville (1990)
Ashwill - Arlice's & Max's cremains were buried in the same container (1993)
Ashworth - Eva lived to 103 years old (1996)

Askew - Alice, Frank, Grace, Jennie, Mary, Samuel, Thomas, William
Askew - Charles, Esther, Sarah, Willie
Astell - Joseph was run over by a gravel truck while inspecting a Madison-Middleton highway project (1935) - Edith, Freddie, Joseph, Kenneth
Astle - Daisy
Atwood - David was mayor of Madison (1868-69) and U.S. Representative from Wisconsin's Second District (1870-71) - Charles, Elizabeth, Harrie, Harriett, Mary
Atwood - Jeff was hit by a train (1898)

Aubey - Frederick was the first person to receive a heart transplant at the University of Wisconsin, he lived two months (1973)
Augustine - Myrtle
Austin - James's was an engineer and his train went off the track ten miles from Madison (1881) - Susan
Axley - Katherine was in a car accident in Nebraska when a tire blew out and the car rolled twice (1967) - Francesca, Ralph
Ayars - Tree Monument - John & Melida
Aye - Helen

Ayers - Grace was murdered by Anton Pecka (1928) - Leonard, Mary, Mathew, William
Ayers - Lamb monument for 6yo Violet - Alfred, Pearl, Wayne
Ayers - Jesse fell two stories while working on the new Wisconsin General Hospital (1950) - Bernice, Frederick, Ida, Walter