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Oakey - Deteriorating Marker - Catherine, George, Jane, Laura, Mary, Thomas, William
Oakey - Alfred and his two daughters, Lucile & Marion, were among the more than six hundred that were lost in the Iroquois Theater fire in Chicago (1903) - Emma
Oakey - Elizabeth was hit by a car at Johnson and Blair streets (1948) - Eugene, Joan, Margaret, Warren, William
Oakey - Howard was killed in action in France during WWI (1918) - Sylvia accidently shot herself thinking the gun had blanks in it (1909) - Albert, Clara
Oakley - Eri was discharged for disability after being wounded in action in the Civil War, and died later that month (1863) - Diana, Ella, Minnie
Oasen - Bert died from an auto fire at a gas station (1930) - Martin

Ockerlander - Infant
Ockerlander - Grace, Lawrence
Odegaard - 16yo Olive and 16yo Gladys Bevard died when their went off the Starkweather Bridge (1916) - Carl, Christian
Offerdahl - Berta
Oftus - Andrew hung himself in the Beaver Dam jail after being arrested for drunkenness (1936)
Ogden - Abramham fell when he tried to board a moving train (1856) - Francis, Mary

Ogg - Ogg Hall on the University of Wisconsin campus was named in Frederick's honor - Emma
Ogilvie - John
Ogilvie - Clara, George, Harry, James, Juanita, Mary
O'Hare - Charles
Ohnstad - Lillian
Ohre - Michael and his step daughter died seven hours apart (1925) - Torgenia
O'Keeffe - Artist Georgia O'Keeffe's mother, brother & sister - John was killed in action during the Korean War (1951)

Olafsson - John's remains were removed from the Mausoleum and placed in Martha's casket (2003)
Olbrich - Olbrich Park named in Michael's honor, he took his own life just as one of his partners does (1929) - Frances, Isabel, John
Oldenburg - Harley, Karen, Lucille
Oldham - Helen, Richard, Thomas
Oleson - Andrew was hit by a train, originally buried in the Potter's Field, moved seven months later (1899) - Ida

Olin - John "Father of Madison's park system", two parks named in his honor, Olin Park, and the former Olin Terrace - Helen
Olinger - Isabelle died of burns when cleaning fluid exploded (1935) - Harley
Oliver - Clovis
Oliver - Cornice lived to 102 years old (1993)
Olsen - Bessie, Henry, James, Myrtle, Robert

Olson - Roy was shot in a hunting accident (1960) - Pearl
Olson - Ruth's car left Hwy D near Oregon and hit a tree (1972)
Olson - Andrew was found on a farm wrapped in a horse blanket, was it murder? (1929)
Olson - Lawrence
Olson - Clarence, Emil, Martin, Sophia

Olson - August, George, Leslie, Viola
Olson - Eleanor
Olson - Hilda, Sam
Olson - Lars
Olson - Ralph, Ruth and two others were in an Air National Guard tanker crash while landing in Milwaukee (1969)

Omen - Marjorie passed at 99 years old (2021) - Adam, Earl, Harold, Louise, Rose, Walter
O'Neill - Edith
Onheiber - 15yo Billy died of blood poisoning caused by a broke boil on his side from a boxing match (1938)
Onheiber - Sam
Onsager - 14yo Alfred fell twenty feet from a tree (1927) - 16yo Gordon was electrocuted when he brushed against a line while climbing a tree (1975)
                George, Gertie, Glenn, Lucille
Opland - Anna passed at 99 years old (1993) - Inge
Orchard - Lorraine lived to be 101 years old (2019) - Kenneth, Robert

Oren - Peter died of a concussion of brain (1907)
Orton - Harlow was mayor of Madison (1877), and led the way to using the former Village Cemetery as a park, named in his honor: Orton Park - Elizabeth, Mary, Unknowns
Orvold - Lena lived to be 101 years old (1971) - Arthur, Jens
Osborn - Albert was killed by a train (1898)
Osborne - Myrto, Norwood
Osborne - Thomas lived to be 100 years old (1991) - Edith

Oshman - Louis
Ossmann - Gladys was in a car accident near Waukesha (1935) - Ruth was in the accident with her daughter, she lived to be 100 years old (1995) - Charles
Osthoff - Wilhelmina was hit by a car on Williamson Street (1924) - Charles, a conductor, got his foot stuck in the tracks and was hit by a train (1934) - Lois
Otis - 18yo Clifford was killed in action in Korea (1950) - Clifford Sr., Evelyn, Helen
Ott - Ott Grocer/Druggist - 16yo Donald was in a car train accident in Racine (1927) - Harlow, Infant
Ott - Harlow, Ida, Isabelle, John, Lucia
Ott - Ida, John, Katherine, Mary

Ottum - Bernice, Wallace
Owen - Owen Park/Owen Parkway - Cornelia, Edward, Emilie, Ethel
Ownsby - Shirley
Ozer - Helen, Sol