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Padden - Charles was hit by a car walking on Syene Road (1942)
Paddock - Elizabeth lived to be 102 years old (2014) - Robert
Padgham - Gerald, Jack, Mary
Paine - Lena
Paine - Byron successfully argued Gillespie v. Palmer establishing voting rights in Wisconsin for African Americans (1866) - Arthur, Clarissa, James, Norman, Wendell
Paine - Betsey

Palm - Herbert
Palmer - Cerise lived to be 104 years old (2019) - Robert
Parish - Walter fell between train cars while braking them (1876)
Parisi - Vito died from injuries a week after he ran into the rear of a truck on Hwy 12 north of Madison (1931) - Endemira
Parisi - George was in a car accident at E. Main and S. Butler Streets (1975)
Park - Dorothy, Maurice

Parker - Eustace, Jane, Martha
Parker - Cecilia, John
Parker - Bertha was shot to death (1946)
Parker - John, Robert
Parker - Mildred
Parker - Lee was shot in the chest by his wife, who he had abused for years (1978)

Parkinson - John was a professor at the University of Wisconsin - Kathryn lived to be 100 years old (1992)
                Adelaide, Benjamin, Harriet, Jane, John, Mabel, Marshall, Myra, Stanley, William
Parkinson - Elda lived to be 102 years old (2009) - Marshall
Parks - John was in a collision with a tree in the Town of Montrose (1998) - George, Julia
Parr - Fred
Parr - LaFayette
Parr - 11yo Daniel was hit by a car running into the street for a ball (1919)
Parr - Maria

Parsen - Sarah was in a car that went into Lake Michigan, the car was found the next day, she wasn't found until more than two months later (2005)
Parsons - 3yo Gwendolyn was hit by a car on the 700 block of Prospect Avenue (1927)
Parsons - Rose
Patterson - George, Hattie, Marion
Patzer - George died of smoke inhalation (1962)
Paul - Three children died within two days from diphtheria (1892) - Carl, Gertrude, H.G.L., Margaret, Otto
Paull - Martha lived to be 101 years old (2004) - Ethra
Paulson - Elizabeth passed at 99 years old (2023) - John

Paunack - Amalia, Amalie, Edward, Emma, Frederick, Klara, Unknown
Paunack - Fred was a prominent Madison area architect
Paunack - William
Pause - Lucile passed at 99 years old (1996)
Peabody - Arthur was the architect who designed; Agricultural Engineering, Carillon Tower, Stock Pavilion, Lathrop Hall and Memorial Union - Agnes
Pearson - Albert was a Civil War veteran - Annie, Frederick, Julia
Pearson - Richard was in a three car auto accident on S. Park Street (1954)

Peaslee - Richard lost control of his vehicle on Hwy 30 west of Stoughton Road, rolled over, and hit a vehicle in the oncoming lane (2016)
Peat - Becky was one of two girls run down in front of East High school (1991)
Peck - Bernadine
Peck - The Peck's were the first family in Madison, here to run a boarding house for those building the new Capitol building (1836) - Mary, Victor
Peck - Albert was electrocuted while on a pole running telephone lines (1920) - Henry, Minnie, Olga
Peck - William
Peck - Robert died from injuries a year and a half after a car ran a red light at Northport and Sherman and hit him broadside (1993)

Pedder - Ernest was hit by a car at the intersection of Main and Bassett streets (1938) - Emma, Lauretta, Norman, Russell
Pederson - Obert
Pederson - Dorothy
Peemiller - B, Catherine, Elizabeth, James, Otto, Unknowns
Peil - Unusual story behind Rocky's death and how his heart was removed without permission (1997)
Peirce - 6yo Harry drown in Lake Monona (1873) - Charlotte
Peirce - Alvah, Anna

Peltier - Ada, Albert, Nellie, Ralph
Pelton - Clara
Peltzer - Louis was found in Lake Monona with a twenty five pound stone tied around his waist (1942)
Pena-Avila - Alipio was shot in a struggle with Madison Police (1994)
Pendergast - Townsley drown in Lake Kegonsa when he fell off the dock at his home (1974) - Dora
Penewell - John, Ruth

Perrigo - Ernest
Perrin - Infant
Perry - Daniel was hit by lightning while standing in the bed of a pickup truck near Janesville (1993)
Persinger - Lester was in an auto accident on Hwy 151 near Sun Prairie (1956)
Peshek - James passed at 99 years old (2005) - Alice, Judith
Peters - Henry, Janeen, Jean

Petersen - Alfred & Sylvia, murder-suicide that may have been a mercy killing (1988) - Ann, Arthur, Helena, John
Petersen - Lyland was one of ten US Army fliers who died in a plane crash near Sioux City, IA (1944) - Axel, Inez
Petersen - Rolland started the fire that he and two other men died in (1973) - Edwin, Emily, Hans, Ruth, Viola
Petersen - 13yo William drown when he fell out of a boat on Lake Monona (1922) - Alvin died from an operation for appendicitis (1924) - Anna, Marcia
Peterson - 10yo Eldon was hit by a car in Westport (1928) - Anna, Erwin
Peterson - Alice
Peterson - Melena

Peterson - Janet
Peterson - Hannah lived to be 104 years old (1999) - Frank
Peterson - Jon was in a head-on car accident on Fair Oaks Avenue (1981) - Alice, Robert
Peterson - Alfred, Vice President of the UW, died of a heart attack suffered at Camp Randall during a Badger football game (1965) - Irene
Peterson - William
Peticolas - Evelyn
Petterle - Joanna was in an auto accident in Illinois (1997)

Petterson - Emma
Pettit - Ora
Phillips - Clement was in a plane crash that was part of a movie shoot in California (1928) - Harrison
Photinos - Jeanne
Pick - Margaret and her daughter, Pauline, died of pneumonia six days apart (1932)
Pickarts - Andrew, Carl, Jessie, Lucien, Mary
Pickarts - Alice & Frank died together in a car accident in Washington (1932)

Pieper - Janice
Pierce - 17yo Priscilla died along with three other young people when a car slid on ice in Middleton (1941) - Charles, Minta
Pierce - Richard was in a motorcycle accident when he skidded out of control on Buckeye Road near Spaanem Avenue (1979)
Pierce - Frank, Lillian, Russell
Pierce - Charles died of stab wounds in Chicago (1930) - Eleanor
Pierce - Harvey shot himself after murdering his ex girlfriend's fiance (1999) - Charles, Rose
Pierce - Hettie lived to be 115 years old, the longest-lived Madisonian ever? (1944) - Mollie, Samuel, Theodore

Pilcher - Ann
Pilling - Elizabeth lived to be 100 years old (1944)
Pinney - Silas was Madison's 13th mayor (1874-76) - Bessie jumped from an out of control carriage (1891) - Clarence, Mary
Pinther - Louise passed at 99 years old (1957) - Harold, Helen, Marguerite, Raynold
Piper - Anna passed at 99 years old (1976) - Charles
Piper - Clara sustained injuries in a car accident a year earlier (1964) - Worth was in a boating accident in Florida (1982) - Howard, Infant, Louise, Roland, Samuel

Pitman - Ann, Eugenia, Jennie, William
Plaenert - 14yo Harry was buried alive under a pile of sand (1902) - Bertha, Ferdinand, Maria, Virginia
Plaenert - Plaenert Street - Elsie, Walter
Pleyte - Mary passed at 99 years old (2016) - James
Podhola - John
Podholder - George

Poggemiller - Caroline, Christian, Mabel
Pohle - Ernst died due to a head injury in a fall at home (1965) - Lisette, Marie, Reinhard
Poisson - William fell on his bicycle and was run over by a semi-truck on S. Blair Street (1972)
Pollard - Richard
Polzin - Ernest
Poole - DeWitt, Maria, Rachel

Porter - Lew was a prominent Madison area architect - Carolyn, Elizabeth, Jane, John, Joseph, Mabel, Philip, Ruth, Sally
Porter - Ralph, Virginia
Porter - Dean, Phyllis
Posnok - William died of burns (1940)
Post - Edwin
Poth - Charlcie, Glenn, Marshall

Potter - Bertha, George, Henry, Ida, Marie, William
Potter - Phillip was in a crash near Panama City when his plane's tail was cut off by another plane while flying in formation (1939) - Byron, Lydia
Potter - Ellis drown while hunting, trying to get a duck that was frozen in the ice on Lake Mendota (1922) - Allis
Potter - Ellis was a prominent architect in Madison - Brian, Juanita, Steven
Potts - Lillian
Pover - Esther's leg was buried four years before she was (1948-52)

Powers - Bernard, Evelyn, Sharon
Pradt - Blanche, John, Priscilla
Pratt - Berthina
Pratt - Mary, Nancy
Pratt - Helen died of injuries from a head-on car crash in Illinois when another vehicle pulled out from behind a truck (1936) - Dorothy, Edward, Fred, Joan, Mary, Patrick
Pray - Janet
Prendl - George was murdered, his killer never found (1847)

Price - Marjorie lived to be 101 years old, passing three days before her next birthday (2011)
Price - Ruth was run down while walking on Monroe Street when a car went over the curb (1946)
Price - Four members of the Price family were killed in a car accident on Hwy K just east of Token Creek (1932) - Beverly, Daisy, Glenn, John
Price - Alvie, Charles, Raymond, Vivian

Price-Louis - Diane jumped from a fifth story window of the Saxony Apartments on N. Frances Street (1982)
Priestly - Thomas died of a gunshot wound preparing for a hunting vacation (1932) - Mary
Prieve - Ernest was hit by a car walking on Hwys 12/18 near the Wonder Bar (1940) - Lillian
Prindle - Charles was shot at Token Creek, murder or self defense? (1899) - Elias, Flora, Hallie, Neddie
Proudfit - The small obelisk is in memory of four infant children of James and Emelie Proudfit (1869)
Proudfit - Andrew was mayor of Madison (1869-70) - Austin, Clara, Elizabeth, Fank, Infant, Maria, Sarah, Stanley, Walter

Prowt - Mary, William
Puharich - Virginia jumped eighty feet from the roof of the Methodist Hospital (1959)
Pulvermacher - 4yo Seth was stepped on by a horse (1990) - Christine
Pupsak - John was overcome by heat (1913)
Purdie - Maxwell was run down and dragged on Lake Mendota by the Chi Psi iceboat (1908), no longer at Forest Hill
Putnam - Clark, Grace
Pyncheon - Adeline, Ephriam, George, J., J.S., James, Martha, William