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Daenitz - Lulu, Ottomar
Daggett - Darius, Mary
Daggett - William - Lamb Marker, Epitaph: "Died At Birth" (1922)
Daggett - Asbry, Florence, Jennie, Moses, Mrs. Tomsen, Tomsen
Dais - Henrietta was hit by a train at the Atwood Avenue crossing (1909)
Dalebroux - Colin took his life with a bomb in Illinois (2010)

Dallman - Paula
Daly - Michael was in a head-on auto accident on Commercial Avenue (1986)
Damman - Carrie lived to be 105 years old (1985) - Mildred
Daniells - Mildred, Pocahontas, Theodosa, William
Daniels - Daisy
Daniels - David was in a shootout with police behind the Red Caboose Day Care Center on Williamson Street (1973)

Darr - Shari was buried with her three children that all perished as infants (1985) - Jennifer, Sean, Shannon
Darst - Paul and son, Byron, perished when the family farmhouse was destroyed by fire (1946)
Dary - Alice, Verlyn
Dary - Merwin, father of six, took his own life by gas after a fight with his wife, nearly taking the family with him (1935)
Davenport - John shot and killed a student before turning the gun on himself (1902) - 15yo Bert drown in Lake Mendota near Machinery Hall (1894) - Audrey, Martha
Davenport - John, Susan

Davidson - Infant
Davidson - Arnold was killed in action during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill five years later
Davidson - James was Governor of Wisconsin (1906-11) - Grace, Helen
Davidson - Margaret
Davidson - Bernice was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend, she told a neighbor who did it before collapsing (1976)
Davidson - Alice

Davies - Franklin was one of two men who perished when their Army plane crashed in Illinois (1940) - Jean, John
Davies - Evan was in an auto accident in Denver (1981) - Eleanor
Davies - Zink Monument - Alfreda, Elizabeth, Mary, William
Davies - Ava, John, Thomas
Davis - Mary was 99 years old when she passed (1956)
Davis - John fell from the roof of his porch (1925)

Davis - Calvin was run over by a circus truck at the fairgrounds between Rimrock Road and Park Street (1967)
Davis - Hattie was shot at her home on Park Street (1925)
Davis - James was shot in Ohio (1977)
Davis - Sabena, William
Davis - Mary
Davis - Ruth was stabbed by her ex-husband (1989)
Davis - Marguerite, Ralph, Thomas

Dawe - George was killed in action in Italy during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill five years later
Dawson - William's car slid on snow and ice and plunged down an embankment near Eau Claire (1933) - Grace, Margaret
Dawson - Carol
Day - Brothers Donald and Galen were killed in action during WWII (1944) - Galen Sr., Infant, Ruth
Day - Roland was Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (1995-1996) - Mary
Dean - Two day old Dorothea died of strangulation (1895) - Elizabeth, George, Henry, Ralph, Thomas, William
Dean - Estelle, Nathaniel, Simeon, William
Dean - Curtis, Elizabeth, Robert

Deards - 6yo Eugene was poisoned by ptomaine , moved to Elgin, Illinois twenty three years later (1908) - Edward, Louisa
Dearman - Bessie was hit by a car crossing Park Street on the way to visit her son at Madison General hospital (1937)
Dearolf - George accidentally shot himself while hunting, found on Lake Monona, his dog guarding his body (1867) - Christine, Elizabeth
Debois - Grace
Dechant - Joseph took his own life with a gun in his car (1961)
Deer - Ada was a leader and representative of Indigenous communities (2023)
Deering - Train Monument - Delmar, Evelyn
Deering - Bernt lived to be 100 years old (1963) - Earl, Elizabeth, Inga, Otto

Dega - Frances lived to be 101 years old (1992) - Ignatius
Degenhart - Fritz was in a barracks fire at Camp Randall during the Civil War (1862)
DeGroot - Edward, Suzanne
Dehner - Donna was in an accident in Colorado (2012)
Dekker - John
Diederich - Bernard, Nellie
Deist - Zelma lived to be 102 years old (2006) - Ella, John, Vernon

Delamater - George, Mary
Delaplaine - Emeline's dress caught fire from a kerosene lamp (1876) - George, built the Water Cure, Epitaph: "The World Is My Country; To Do Good My Religion"
Deldo - Tony
DeMaeffe - 2 month old LeRoy suffocated (1944)
DeMars - Muriel
Demetral - "Jimmy" professional wrestler, Demetral Park named in his honor - Mary
Deming - Charles was found in a hotel room, the Capital Hotel paid for his plot when no relatives could be found (1932)

DeMoe - Earl, Mary
Demont - Norris
Dengler - Clare, Karl, Rosalia, Rose
Denny - Raymond and his sister, Cindy, were both murdered in separate incidents seven months apart (1985)
Denruiter - Frank hanged himself in the police station while his son was in an adjoining cell (1943) - Mary, Phillip, William
Depeyster - Frank, George, Rosie

Desboro - Alma
DeSautelle - Frank and 16yo William were hit by trains ten years apart (1898 & 1908) - Ella, Hazel, Unknown
Dettloff - Hart was hit by a streetcar in La Crosse (1899) - August, Helene, William
Deutsch - Erwin survived Buchenwald, a Nazi concentration camp (1938) - Steffi
Devendorf - Flora, Kate, Marlon, Ralph

Devendorf - Grace
Dewey - Kay's car slid and flipped on Mineral Point Road (1977)
DeWoody - Jessie, Ralph
Dick - Christian, Christina, Gerhard, John, Mary, Ottilie
Dickey - Frances

Dicks - Elizabeth
Dickson - Cecil was killed in action in Italy during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill five years later
Diebold - Bernard
Dietrich - 6yo Lori was thrown from the family station wagon in an accident caused by a drunk driver in Albuquerque (1966)
Dimond - Mabel
Dinkins - Antonio drown in Stuart Park Lake near Mt. Horeb (1972)

Dillman - Fred fell from a windmill tower in Milton (1896) - George, Ottelia
Dillon - Edward collapsed at the intersection of W. Washington Avenue and Proudfit Street (1955) - Donna, Theodore, Thomas
Dillon - Galdys urn was placed in the casket of her daughter, Daphne (1972 & 1993)
Disch - Herman
Disrud - Albert was in an auto accident when his car went off the road and hit a tree and telephone pole near Middleton (1946)
Disrud - Lorraine, Martell
Ditmar - Lauretta

Dixon - Luther was Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (1859-1874) - Daisy, Edward, Ella, Henry, Mary, William
Dixon - Robert was killed in action in France during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill three years later - Gertrude
Dixon - Samuel was one of four people who perished in an auto accident when their auto missed a curve, left Hwy 12, and glanced off several trees near Whitewater (1949)
Dizon - Albert, Eva, Jess, Oscar, Richard
Dobelin/Doeblin - William was uncoupling train cars when he slipped off a ladder and was run over (1895)
Dodds - Theodosia

Dodge - Walter
Dodge - 5yo Delores pulled concrete blocks from a birdbath onto herself (1932)
Dodge - Melissa passed at 99 years old (1927) - Joseph, Martha
Dodge - Annette, Charles, Claire, Guy, Elizabeth, Florence, Harriet, Helen, Henry, Hirem, Margaret, McClellan, Newell, Robert
Dodson - Maie
Doefer - 5yo Lorna had "Sleeping Sickness" (1923) - Ethel, William
Doerfer - Clara, William

Doerschlag - Fred, Katherine
Dohrman - Louis was asphyxiated by fuel gas (1924)
Dolkee - Julia
Dollison - Harvey, Mae
Donkle - William hit a parked car on Commonwealth Avenue during heavy rain (1965) - Eunice, Wilson
Donkle - Mary

Donnell - Samuel was a prominent Madison area architect - Dumont, Minnie
Donoughue - Margaret
Doolittle - Anna, Perry
Doran - James, a decorated hero, was killed in action in Korea (1951)
Doris - Charles, Mary

Dorrans - William was in an airplane crash in Nebraska (1956)
Dougherty - John was hit by a train walking on the tracks (1895)
Douglas - Andrew
Douglas - Epitaph: A cripple for 43 yrs He bore his infirmity with dignity inteligent honorable reverent
Dow - Clementina, John
Dowling - Jean was killed in action in Vietnam (1966)
Downey - Julia, Robert

Downs - Lillian
Doylen - Frank, a brakeman on the Soo line, was run over by a train near Fond du Lac (1916) - Charlie, Ella, George, Hannah, William
Doyon - Moses was mayor of Madison (1888-89) - Bertrand was in an auto accident (1922) - Carrie succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning (1924)
            Amelia, Marian, Marie, Marion, Raymond, Robert
Draper - Lyman was a historian, and claims to have contacted spirits - Helen, Lydia
Dresser - Frank died in the Dane County Jail (1897)
Drewelow - Paul drown while scuba diving in California (1964)

Drinkhouse - Mary
Drives - Alex, Richard
Droster - Helen, William
Dubbel - Joseph inhaled gas (1943)
Dube - Arthur
DuBois - Karen and Paul were killed in a car accident in Florida (2024)
Dubrov - Bluma lived to be 100 years old (1928)
Dudgeon - Deliverance, Edith, Ella, Jeanine, Kathryn, Lucile, Mabel, Matthew, Richard, Robert, Sidney

Dudley - Agnes passed at 99 years old (1973) - William
Dudley - Lamb Marker - Charles, Elizabeth, Flora, Hattie, Ida, Infant, William
Duff - Betty lived to be 103 years old (2023)
Dulin - Timothy was a student pilot when his plane crashed, moved out of Forest Hill more than thirty five years later (1971 & 2007)
Dunn - Henry, Vera
Dunn - William "Pickerel Billy" died of blood poisoning from a cut from a fish hook (1925) - Catherine
Dunning - Abel built Mapleside - Dorr, Gerhard, Harriet, Pamelia
Dunning - Philo, Sophia

Durbin - Viva
Durkopp - Charles
Durrie - Ada, Ann, Daniel, Isabelle, Jennie
Duske - Martha
Dutch - Rachel lived to be 102 years old, living in three centuries (2000) - Nathan
Dutton - David fell into Lake Wingra while fishing from the shore (1957)
Duwe - Edna

Duvall - Andrew
Dvorak - Frank was electrocuted when a hot wire hit the crane he was holding after he pushed a coworker aside when he saw the wire falling (1918) - Arthur, Walter
Dwinnell - Gertrude lived to be 100 years old (1971)
Dyer - Carroll drown in Lake Waubesa when the row boat he was in capsized (1914) - Harry, Virginia
Dyke - C.F., Ellen, Frederick, Henry, Rachael, Unknown
Dymond - Virginia passed at 99 years old (2010) - Carolyn, Russell
Dyrud - Lenore passed at 99 years old (2003) - Kristian