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Taborsky - Charles, Nancy
Tandvig - Marshall's car left Hwy 51 and rolled over near Albion (1949) - Alfred, Inga, Karen, Margaret, Marshall
Tangeman - Lena
Tappins - Matthew was struck by an auto on W. Washington Avenue (1930) - Anna, Homer

Tarkow - Harold passed at 99 years old (2012) - Elizabeth
Taubert - Albert was cited as a hero by General Pershing during WWI - Lula
Tauchen - Antoinette, John
Tausend - Mary
Taves - John died in a railway accident (1866)

Taylor - William was Governor of Wisconsin (1874-76) - Catherine
Taylor - Maude
Taylor - Esther, Fayette
Taylor - Margaret lived to be 109 years old (1987) - Joseph

Taylor - Adelaide lived to be 100 years old (2005) - Harold
Taylor - Harrison's auto overturned on the Sun Prairie Road (1926)
Taylor - Amelia
Taylor - 10yo Michael was hit by a car running across Northport Drive (1976)
Taylor - Sheralyn was found strangled in her home in Sun Prairie (2000)

Teckemeyer - Teckemeyer Candy Company - Edward, George, Infant, Jerome, Lillie, Maude
Telstad - 2yo Palmer was playing with matches and started a fire that he and his grandmother died in (1935)
Temin - Howard won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1975), the University of Wisconsin's Lakeshore Howard Temin Path is dedicated in his honor
Temple - Arthur
Templeton - Elizabeth, Kenneth, Lois

Tenney - Eleanor, Horace K.
Tenney - Charles built the Tenney Building on the Square (1929) - Anna, Ella, Elizabeth, Fred, Jessie, William
Tenney - Horace A. was Madison Village President (1853) - Ida, Josephine, Mary, Mother?, Paul, Ruth, William
Tenney - Daniel was the benefactor of Tenney Park (1899) - John was shot and murdered in Oakland (1906) - Grace, Mary
Tenney - George, Nettie
Tenney - Lucia drown in Door County (2013) - Horace, Jeanette

Terwilliger - Jennie, William
Tesar - 14yo Harry was killed by a train near Evansville (1906)
Tetzlaff - Jonathan's motorcycle hit a semi head-on on North Stoughton Road (1983)
Teude - Walter, a telegraph lineman, died of electrocution in Colorado (1912) - Arthur, Carl, Frederick, Louisa
Thao - Jai was hit by a pickup truck on Milwaukee Street near Rustic Drive (2004) - Yi
Thao - Mai was in a two-vehicle crash at Hwys P/SS in Columbia County (2020)

Theiss - Mary & William were asphyxiated in their home on Williamson Street (1904) - Infant
Theiss - Edward was in a railroad accident in Illinois (1913) - Margaret
Theobald - Infant
Thingstead - Eleanora lived to be 103 years old (2011)
Thoma - Charles died from battle wounds in Vietnam (1967)

Thomas - Jerry
Thomas - Michael's wagon was hit by a car, ending the last horse-drawn express dray (1927) - Fentlyroy, Mary
Thomas - Epitaph: "We Went Home. See Ya Later" - Francine, Howard, Joseph
Thomas - Arthur 'Sailor Art' was a professional wrestler
Thomas - Kristine was burned in a house fire in Illinois (1971) - Claire, Jeannette

Thompson - Mary and Edna Wright were in a car accident where oncoming cars sideswiped near Watertown (1939)
Thompson - Irene lived to be 100 years old (1993)
Thompson - Sandra
Thompson - Olaf was killed by a train near Sun Prairie (1909)
Thompson - Harold

Thompson - Gerald, John, Mary, Minnie
Thompson - William
Thompson - John, Louise
Thompson - George
Thompson - Eunice

Thompson - Arthur was hit by a train on the Bassett St. tracks (1954)
Thompson - Leonard was killed in action in Vietnam (1967)
Thompson - Mabel was in a home fire on N. Ingersoll Street (2001), her cremains and her husbands are in the same plot - Joseph
Thompson - Margaret never recovered from giving birth and died three weeks later (1939), her son was buried next to her seventy two years later (2012)
Thompson - 6yo Charles died at the Union Orphans Hospital (1868)

Thoreson - 15yo Clifford was killed by a train near Pinckney Street (1905) - Eda, Infant, Knute, Walter
Thorpe - Estelle, George, Jane, John
Thorpe - Russell was thrown from his carriage in Wyoming (1898) - Cornelia
Thorstad - Carl's car plunged fifty feet from a bridge near Mendota Hospital in foggy conditions (1914) - Martha
Throl - Walter was one of three young men drown together when their ice boat sailed into open water on Lake Monona (1916) - Herman, Louise
Thrasher - Bessie

Thuringer - Herman drown in Lake Monona (1909) - Adele, Adelheid, Henriette, Ignatz, Isabelle, Olga, Rhea, Samuel
Thurlow - Willard lived to be 103 years old (2022) - Constance, Thomas
Thwaites - Reuben was a historian and writer - George, Infant, Jessie
Tibbitts - Mary
Tichlofen - Benjamin was found floating in Lake Waubesa, was it murder? (1907)
Tiedman - Bertha accidently stepped on the accelerator of a parked car that then ran into a neighbor's house (1959) - Evelyn, Rudolph
Tiemann - Amalie, Arletta, Henry, Richard, Wilbur
Tiemann - Harry was a timber physicist at Forest Products lab - Ann, Elizabeth, Theodore

Tilley - Jon was in a car accident in New York (1982)
Tillman - Jordan died of injuries from a kick by a horse (1895)
Tillotson - Dr. George developed blood poison from operating with a lacerated thumb on a sick patient (1908) - Alice, Frederick, Henry, Joseph, Sarah, William
Timberlake - Hamilton fell and hit his head (1903)
Timm - Elizabeth
Tipple - Seven children, what happened? Fire? - Albert, Cora, Emma, Floyd, Frances, Martha, Richard, William
Tjenoff - Zeno was killed by a train in Prairie du Sac (1911)

Toellner - 5yo Adolph drown in Lake Monona (1897) - Henry, Unknown
Toellner - Edward was asphyxiated by fuel gas (1925) - Josephine
Toepelmann - Edward died of heat prostration (1901) - Amalie
Toessul - John fell down a stairway at Schroeder's Hotel (1895)
Tofsrud - Odin was robbed, beaten and murdered in his home - Unsolved (1933) - Ida, Lila, Lyle

Togstad - 13yo George died was shot by a young friend in a hunting accident (1915) - Jacob, Lena
Togstad - Morris was killed in action one day before the Armistice (1918), buried at Forest Hill three years later, Togstad Glenn named partially in his honor - Mina, Ole
Toole - Katherine
Toppen - 4yo Betty started a fire in a dog house while playing with matches (1941)
Torgerson - Theodore was in a auto/train accident in Neenah (1930) - Mary
Torgeson - Mary lived to be 100 years old (2000) - Emily, Jacob, Oscar, Paula, Russell
Totto - Family of American modernist artist Georgia O'Keeffe - Alletta lived to be 101 years old (1958) - Charles, George, Isabel, Josephine, Katherine, Lenore

Toussaint - James was doing some work in a garage with a car running (1969)
Towers - Mary
Townley - Hubert walked into the path of a train at the University Avenue crossing (1934) - Marguerite
Trachte - George, Henrietta
Trachte - Marion fell off a pier into Lake Mendota (1986) - Robert
Tracy - 15yo Dean was in an auto accident in Florida (1980) - Diane

Trapp - Dorothy
Trask - Charles took a nap with his head resting against railroad tracks (1909) - Mary
Treadwell - Warren got caught between a semi-trailer and truck at work (1950) - Betty
Trebilcock - Madelyn passed at 99 years old (1996) - Arthur
Tredway - Adelaide, Archibald
Tree - Forrest Tree

Tregoning - Charme, Ernest
Treinen - Florence
Tressler - Julia
Trevoy - Mary
Trieloff - Jennings was in an auto accident near Waukesha (1961) - Charles, Grace, Kaari
Trickel - Nathan was in a car that went off the road and rolled over, the driver got twelve years (2014)

Trotter - Henrietta, Zachary
Trotter - Emma
Truax - Thomas's plane crashed into a mountain near San Francisco (1941), Madison's Truax Field is named in his honor - Lena
Truax - John
Truax - John, Sally
Trumble - Brothers Timothy and Michael both shot themselves, two years apart (1979/1981)

Trumbower - Henry, Josephine
Trydal - Olga lived to be 103 years old (1994) - Anna, Ingebord, Nils
Tucker - Infant
Tufts - Gail, Millard
Tupman - Carol
Turk - Earle, Martha, Samuel
Turneaure - Donna, Frederick, Infant, Judith, Virginia

Turner - Clara, Infant
Turner - Irene died saving her 2yo son from a fire in their home near Cottage Grove (1944) - Howard
Turner - 16yo Chester was struck by an auto at the intersection of Gregory and Sheldon streets while sledding (1934)
Turner - 1yo Nona died of an accident (1924)
Turner - Sundial Monument - Frederick was a University of Wisconsin professor, "The most influential historian of his generation" - Caroline, Jackson, Mae
Turner - Herbert, Jeannette
Turner - Henry, a former slave and Civil War veteran, passed at 99 years old (1937)

Turvill - Olin-Turvill Park - Two children were buried somewhere on the Turvill Point farm - Henry, Kate, Katherine, Margaret, Mary, Thomas, William
Tuttle - Maybelle
Tuttle - Elizabeth
Twing - Walter
Tyaransen - John died from acute intoxication (2014)
Tyler - William Murdered Irene Lawrence then turned the gun on himself (1933)
Tyner - Florence