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Xiong - 4yo Ka drown in the Wisconsin River near Prairie du Sac (1989)
Xiong - Cheu lived to be 100 years old (2008)

Yager - James fell from a roof of a warehouse he was working on in Edgerton (1923) - Helen
Yager - Elizabeth, Emmanuel
Yang - Chou was in a single vehicle crash riding a moped at N. Grand Avenue and N. City Station Drive in Sun Prairie (2014)
Yang - Shoua died when her car crossed the centerline and crashed head-on with a truck on Hwy 51 in the Town of Dunn (2003)
Yank - Sylvia passed at 99 years old, two days before her birthday (2006) - Mark
Ybarra - Antonio was stabbed to death by Jose Leon (1927)

Yngsdal - Richard was at a truck stop when a truck driver didn't see him and backed over him (1985)
Young - Beverly, Robert, Wayne
Young - Amy drown trying to save her 10yo daughter, Betty, who also drown (1928) - Epitaph: "Drowned in an attempt to rescue our daughter, Betty" - Vive, Winifred
Young - George was asphyxiated by gas from a stove, his mother survived (1945) - Eva
Young - 3 month old Lingford suffocated from aspirated milk (1945)
Youngman - Edward, Virginia

Zabel - Sylvia
Zahn - Frances, Theodore
Zeasman - Gladys lived to be 101 years old (1993) - Mary, Otto
Zellen - Reuben died after being kicked by horse (1917)
Zeller - Evelyn, Michael

Ziebarth - Frieda died in the flu pandemic of 1918 - Ida, Otto, Paul
Ziegler - Adam had a haying accident on his farm (1930) - Henrietta, Infant
Ziel - Edward, Millie
Zieske - 16yo Walter drown when his canoe tipped over in Lake Monona near Hudson Park (1919) - Ann, Bertha, Louise, Robert
Zimbeck - Ida died of "Heart attack (car accident)" in Cambridge, WI (1996) - John
Zimmer - Esther, Frank

Zimmerman - Albert was a county judge. The Zimmerman Bridge in Tenney Park is named in his honor - Louise lived to be 100 years old (1978) - Nell
Zimmerman - David, Margaret
Zimmerman - Marlass, Sheldon
Zitske - Steven died in a hunting accident (1993)
Zucker - Mae died from pneumonia the day after giving birth to a stillborn child (1931) - Infant
Zuehlke - George & Virginia have their ashes interred into a compartment in the bench monument (2005)

Zurian - Marie passed at 99 years old (1995) - William
Zwank - Michael was killed during construction of a new wing to the Capitol Building when the incomplete structure collapsed (1883) - Susanna
Zwerg - Zwerg - Zwerg - The Zwerg farm, originally next to Forest Hill, was sold to the city for an addition to Forest Hill - Emil, Emma, Gustave, Ida, Karl, Mary, Robert
Zwerg - Shirley
Zwickey - Robert