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Easland - James hung himself in a wooded area in Marshall Park, not found for six weeks (1988)
Easland - 17yo Jennette was in an auto accident in Detroit on Christmas day (1928)
Easland - Richard shot himself in the head while standing in the middle of the street (1953)
Eastman - Ben was U.S. House of Representative from Wisconsin's second district (1851-1855)
Easton - Frederick was in an auto accident when his car rolled over on Hwy 12 in the Town of Springfield (1946)
Ebeling - Cheryl succumbed to dehydration and exposure in the desert of Arizona (1965)

Eberhardt - Myrtle lived to be 100 years old (2020) - Earl, Joanne
Eberhardt - John was in a plane crash in South Carolina (1944) - Clara
Eberhardt - Henry, Laura
Eddy - 11yo Nathaniel was moved from the Village Cemetery - Eliza, James, William
Edgal - Aidelomo was in a head-on crash on John Nolen Drive, he had to be pried from the wreck (1979)
Edgar - William was working on the new wing to the Capitol Building when the incomplete structure collapsed (1883) - Margaret, Mary
Edmonds - Walter drown in Monona Bay near Brittingham Park when his canoe tipped while stepping in (1910) - Arthur, Charles, Sarah

Edwards - Irma lived to be 100 years old (2001)
Edwards - Clarence of injuries from automobile accident while vacationing in London (1993)
Egstad - Ella passed at 99 years old (2012) - Warren
Eichenseher - 11yo Sarah was hit by a van crossing Sherman Avenue near Commercial Avenue (1996)
Eighmy - Alva, Estella
Eimermann - Daniel drown while participating in a triathlon at Devil's Lake (2007)
Eithun - Donald drown in the Truckee River in California when the raft he was riding in hit a rock and collapsed (1997)

Eken - Sena lived to be 101 years old (1987) - Iver
Ela - Emerson was the judge in Annie Lemberger murder case (1911) - Florence, Janet, Mabel, Mary, Robert, Stephen, Walter
Elding - John went missing, he was found floating in Lake Monona near the Fauerbach Brewery a week later (1913) - Samuel
Elies - Pauline's leg was buried two years before she passed (1921 & 1923) - Charles, Herman
Eldridge - 8yo Charles was riding his bike when he was hit by a car near the Badger Bowl (1996), Epitaph: "In Memory Of Our Little Man"
ElHagarowy - 2yo Nabil was hit by a car in front of his home (1951)
Ellestad - Amy, Eleanor, Elver, Theodore

Elligan - 1yo Lucile succumbed to poisoning (1910) - Jeanette
Ellingson - Russell was in an auto accident when his car crossed the centerline on Hwy 27 (1979) - Michael was in a car accident in Beloit (1978)
Elliot - David skidded through safety gates into the path of a train at Sherman Avenue (1936)
Elliott - Helen
Elliott - Benjamin lived to be 104 years old (1993)
Ellis - Henry lost control of his car in Lafayette County (1990) - Dorothy, Robert
Ellis - Raymond was in an auto accident on the Middleton Road (1936) - 2yo Phyllis was scalded by bath water (1918)

Ellsworth - Eliza
Ellsworth - Mary
Elvehjem - Conrad was President of the University of Wisconsin (1958-1962) - Constance, Robert
Elver - Book Monument - Fritz, Theresa
Elver - Viola was murdered by a disgruntled former employee at Cornell University (1936) - Thelma lived to be 100 years old (2007) - Elvira, Emiel, Rodney, Sophia, Vida
Elver - Elver Park - Albertine, Anna, Charles, Elmore, Howard, Mina

Ely - A University of Wisconsin professor, Richard was known as "The dean of American economics" - Anna
Emery - Steven
Emmons - Samantha
Emordeno - Eloise was one of four people to drown when two boats collided in Lake Waubesa (1975)
Emory - Lyndon was struck by car while walking on the shoulder of Hwys 12-18 in Blooming Grove (1960) - Elizabeth

Engel - Albert, Mary
Engelberger - Elizabeth, Frederick, John, Mary, William
Engelberger - Minnie
Engholm - Erwin, Herman, Louise
Epstein - Nora was hit by a car on W. Washington Avenue (1929)

Erb - Eileen died of an accident (2015)
Erickson - John, Myrtle
Erickson - Frederick died of battle wounds in Belgium during WWII (1945), buried at Forest Hill three years later
Erickson - Knute drown in Lake Mendota, missing for 9 days, didn't know he was missing until an empty boat was found (1963)
Erickson - Rudolph, a veteran and father of five, shot himself (1959)
Ersland - 1yo Arthur and 2yo Borghild were once considered in the Potter's Field, but a relative had granite markers placed for both almost a century later (2008)
Espen - Nels drown in the Yahara River, found in April, he was missing since February (1912)

Ethun - William was killed in action in Guam during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill five years later - Christian, Myrtle
Eugene - Mary
Evans - Roy
Everett - Benjamin, Edward, Elizabeth, Jemima
Everson - Grace
Evjue - William started The Capital Times newspaper - Zillah

Ewing - Larry was murdered, "asphyxia due to manual strangulation and/or suffocation" at his home on Sheboygan Avenue (2015)
Extrom - Mary was hit crossing E. Washington Avenue, only a few feet from a pedestrian bridge at N. Marquette Street (2010) - Clarence, George, Harriet
Eyman - Sharon was in a car that overturned on the Pennsylvania Turnpike (1967)