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Naffz - Carl, Charles, Francis, Lillie, Mary, Waldimar
Navin - Hyman was found floating in a pool at his home in Milwaukee (1967) - Clara
Nebel - George, Sadie, Sophia
Neblett - Isaac
Nedderman - Ralph's car was hit broadside at Park & Dayton Streets by a car that ran a stop light (1957) - Evelyn, Frederick, Harold, Howard, Myrtle, Ruth
Neesvig - Neesvig Meat & Sausage Co. - Joan was in a head-on car accident on Hwys 18/151 near Dodgeville (1954) - Anna, Burton, Margaret, Oswald, Shirley

Nelson - Charles fell trying to board a train, not found until the train pulled away (1895)
Nelson - James was found in poor condition in the snow (1895)
Nelson - Ole succumbed to suffocation from a fall landing such that he couldn't breath (1898)
Nelson - Howard was hit by a train sometime overnight, found the next day near the Wonder Bar (1943)
Nelson - Harvey shot and killed Allen & Walter Henderson, then turned the gun on himself when found by the sheriff (1927) - Charles, Florence, John, Virginia

Nelson - Ronald's car went off Hwy 151 near Waupun (1950)
Nelson - Doris
Nelson - Raymond was gored in the head multiple times by a deer (1983) - Coyla
Nelson - Emma
Nelson - Robert killed himself after abducting, and then freeing, a woman who declined to shoot him when he asked her to (1969)
Nelson - Ernest

Nelson - John was a U.S. Representative from Wisconsin (1905-19, 1921-33) - Anita, Byron, Grace, Harold, MAry, Thea
Nelson - 8 month old Heggie was burned when a bottle warmer ignited his bed (1943) - Esther
Nelson - Gertrude, Magnus, Sophia
Nelson - Ingwald passed one day after his 7yo son, Arthur, during the 1918 Flu Pandemic (1918) - Alan, George, Jessie, Magdalene, Ottillia
Nelson - Douglas, Mary

Nelson - Elizabeth passed a day after giving birth (1932) - Anna, Dorothea, George, Marie, Russell
Nelson - Mable was hit by a car walking with her husband along Nakoma Road (1919) - Enid, Wilfred
Nelson - Edward, Marie, Ole
Nelson - Louis
Nelson - Benjamin operated the Capital House, considered Madison's finest hotel in the 1850s
Nelson - Virginia was hit by a car and knocked into the path of a second car on State Street (1963) - Maud, Olaf
Nelson - 17yo Spencer was in a motorcycle crash on Sherman Avenue at Brearly & Gorham streets (1948)

Nesbit - Blanche, Genevieve, Jerome, Mark, Wellwood
Ness - 12yo Howard drown in Lake Mendota skating home (1908) - Hans, Ida, Joseph, Margaret
Neubauer - Rudolph succumbed to injuries four days after a fall from a wagon (1899)
Neuhauser - Esther, George
Neumann - Alma
Neumann - 10yo Darrell was found drown in a pond after a search that included a posse of one hundred deputies, traffic police and volunteers (1954) - Kenneth

Newman - Douglas's car hit a pillar in Pennsylvania (2010) - John, Virginia
Newton - John, Louise
Nicholls - Elizabeth
Nicholls - Burton collapsed playing basketball (1997)
Nichols - 3yo Fanny ignited her dress with a match (1863) - Addie, Arthur, Ellen, Jim, John, Mary
Nicholson - Leonard, Stella

Nickerson - 16yo Donald drown in Lake Monona when an ice boat he was riding on went through the ice (1934) - Chester, Mildred
Niebuhr - Paul had a heart ailment that was a result of being wounded and gassed while serving in the German army (1937)
Niebuhr - William
Niebuhr - Donna
Niebuhr - Charles was hit by a piece of machinery at the Steinle plant, originally buried at Middleton Cemetery (1916) - August, Infant
Niebuhr - Alvina, Elizabeth, Fred, Infant, John

Niehus - Henry was in an auto accident when his car collided with another in Des Plaines, IL (1949) - Charlotte
Niehus - Carl, Charlotte, Maude, William
Nielson - After his dog passed William hung himself with the leash (1955), Epitaph: Dog's Best Friend"
Nielson - Edward, Marie
Nieman - August, Dorothea
Niemann - Karl, a WWII veteran, was burned in Japan when the officer's quarters he was sleeping in caught fire (1947)

Nilsson - Alice lived to be 100 years old (1993) - Ernest, Jean
Nisbet - Thomas
Noble - Dorothy
Noble - Henry, Luvia
Noe - Walter was obsessed with death and planned to communicate with a friend from beyond (1927) - Edgar was electrocuted (1908) - Helen, Infant, Jessie, Paul
Noer - Anita lived to be 100 years old (2003) - Rudolf

Noerz - Elizabeth
Noland - Laura, Maria, Unknowns, William
Nolby - Frank lived to be 105 years old, passing the next day (1978)
Noll - Anna, Edward
Noll - August shot himself in the Capitol Building where he was a night watchman (1935) - Fred, Henry, John, Salomea
Nordhagen - Einer was knocked into Monona Bay by a train. Did the train kill him or did he drown? (1927)

North - Sarah
Northcott - Myrth
Norton - Carrie passed at 99 years old (1968)
Norton - Caroline, David, John
Norton - Anne
Noyes - Amanda

Nuscher/Neuscher - Ernest drown in Lake Mendota, his body was not found for a month (1925)
Nye - Carl, Charles, Elsie, Esther, Sarah
Nylen - Andrew was in a car accident on the Sun Prairie Road, he was home on leave (1925)
Nystrom - 9yo Paul ran into a car at the intersection of E. Johnson and N. Baldwin streets (1939) - Edith, Paul Sr.