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Uebersetzig - Stephen
Underdown - Hannah, Walter
Uehling - Glenn was killed in action in Germany during WWII, buried in Forest Hill more than four years later (1945-49)

Unknown - Transient hit by a train at the North Western station (1936)
Unknown - Infant, probably drowned, found in Lake Mendota (1929)
Unknown - Infant, exposed, found along railroad (1922)
Unknown - Infant, found in a refuse dump (1922)
Unknown - Infant, found in Lake Monona (1920)

Unknown Potter's Field 1 - Railroad accident (1896)
Unknown Potter's Field 2 - Railroad accident (1863)
Unknown Potter's Field 3 Infant - Found in a marsh (1908)
Unknown Potter's Field 4 Infant - Found in Lake Monona (1910)
Unknown Potter's Field 5 - Found in Lake Waubesa (1907)
Unknown Potter's Field 6 Infant - Found in a rubbish pile on Merry Street (1918)

Urben - Dean's car smashed through a guardrail on the Knutson Drive bridge and dropped fifty feet down to railroad tracks (1968) - Anita
Urdahl - 2yo Norman was run over by a car in front of his home on N. Marquette Street (1931)
Urie - Betty was burned in her home in Minnesota (1929)
Utter - Arthur, Hellen
Utter - John

Vaas - Alice, August
Vale - Herman drown in the Yahara River near Williamson Street (1946)
VanAllen - Edith
VanBergen - Peter was Village President (1855) - Charlotte, D.B., Martin, Peter, Verila, William
VanBergen - 1yo Jessie, possibly the second person buried at Forest Hill (1858) - Ella, Harriet, R.A., Seth, W.F.
VandeBerg - Gale lived to be 100 years old (2020) - Zona
Vandenburgh - Virginia

Vanderhoef - Geraldine, Sharon
VanDeusen - Earl, a sheriff's deputy, was in gun fight in Mazomanie (1930) - Infant Damon died of hot water burns in Pittsburgh (1931)
                Absalom, Adelia, Alvin, Austin, Infant, P.T., Ruth, Sarah
VanDeusen - Harry & Fred were both killed by trains, four years apart (1908/1912) - Albert, Augustus, Eddie, Fred, Harry, Mary, P.J., Sarah
VanDewalle - Frances collapsed at her mother's funeral (1940)
VanEtten - Charles was hit by a train near the Dane County fair grounds (1930) - Frederick, Katherine
VanEvera - John was in a motorcycle accident in Fond du Lac (1939) - Leona, William

Vang - 10yo Mai was hit by a car running across Northport Drive near Dryden Drive (1989)
Vang - Bao died of injuries from a skiing accident at Tyrol Basin (2003) - Chia, Nao
Vang - Infant Anastasia was murdered by her mother (2007)
VanGilder - John was in a rollover auto accident on Speedway Road (1934) - Michael
VanHise - Charles was University of Wisconsin President (1903-18), Van Hise Hall named in his honor - Alice, Hilda, Mary
VanKeulen - James was blasting tree stumps with dynamite (1905) - Rush

Vann - Aaron's boat was found floating adrift on Lake Mendota, he was found five days later (1992)
VanOuwerkerk - Robert's car went off N. Sherman Avenue and crashed (1971)
VanSlyke - Napoleon was businessman and Civil War veteran - Annie, Daniel, Elizabeth, James, Laura, Rubie
VanVelzer - Mable
VanVleck - John won the Nobel Prize for research in atomic structure (1977), Van Vleck Hall named in his honor - Abigail, Edward, Hester
VanWagner - Lydia lived to be 102 years old (1999) - George

Varney - Dorothy lived to be 103 years old and lived in three centuries (1897-2001) - Verne
Varney - Jane
Vasburgh - Estelle, Robert
Vaughan - Elizabeth
Veerhusen - Hulda was in a fire started by a gasoline stove (1900) - Elsbeth, Harry, John, Lillian, Olive, Walter, William
Veerhusen - Barbara, Bernhard, Hiram, John, Lillian
Veerhusen - Herman was not on the train when it arrived in Madison, he had fallen off near Waterloo and died two days later (1918) - Elizabeth, Emma, Marguerite, Robert

Vergeront - Elva lived to be 100 years old (2018) - Elizabeth, Glen, Robert
Verikios - Nick was shot by a companion in a hunting accident (1931) - Harold
Verner - Lucy
Vernon - Harriet
Vernon - Jane
Vertz - Leon was stabbed in his truck in Texas (1987)

Vick - Felix
Victor - Isadore was run over by a backing truck at the Sinaiko Brothers salvage yard (1955) - Mary
Vilas - Anne, George, Percival
Vilas - Vilas Park named in honor of Henry who died at seventeen (1899) - William was a U.S. Senator, Vilas County named in his honor - Levi was mayor of Madison (1861)
        Anna, Charles, Cornelia, Edward, Elizabeth, Esther, Ira, Levy
Villarreal - Joseph was hit by a van crossing Northport Drive at Sherman Avenue (1977)

Vincent - Marvin, Mary
Vinje - John was Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (1922-29)
Vinje - Gertrude
Vinyard - John shot his wife, Minnie, before turning the gun on himself (1942) - Arvetta
Virgin - Claude was in an auto accident, he was only in receiving vault at Forest Hill (1929)

Virnig - Helen was murdered along with Harold Koerner (1965), she was not interred at Forest Hill until over thirty years later (1999)
Vitense - Etla, John, Laura, Martha, Mary, Walter, Willie
Vivian - Reuben, Ruth
Vogel - Jeanette
Vogt - Barbara

Vohs - Larry was in a car accident on Fish Hatchery Road (1970) - 1yo Cary was electrocuted in his bathtub when he reached out and touched a heater (1958) - Stanley
Volkert - Gladys
VonRutenberg - Ryan passed in his sleep (2012)
Voorhees - Ella
Vordermann - Richard was in a car accident on Hwy 81 near Monroe (1974)

Voss - Alvina, Gustave, Marie
Voth - Agnes, Fred
Vroman - 12yo Arthur was in a car hit by a train near Fitchburg (1927) - Eunice lived to be 101 years old (1990) - Hiram, Ida, Infant, Joseph, Mary
Vroman - Harriet, William
Vukelich - Michael