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Habich - Book Monument - Louise, Minnie, Nancy, Theodore, William
Hackett - Helen
Hackett - Emily, Martin
Hackley - LaVernia
Hadfield - 4yo Raymond was kicked by a horse (1902) - Asineth, John
Haecker - Frances
Haeffner - Ernest drown while fishing on Lake Wingra (1940)

Hagen - Stuart was one of two men that perished in a head-on crash on Hwy 14 south of Oregon (1969)
Hagenah - Catherine, John
Hagerty - John
Haight - Edith's apron caught fire bending over a stove (1959)
Halbach - John was in an auto accident near Lake Mills when the car he was in flipped on its roof (1919) - Cora, Louis
Haley - Louis succumbed to gas from an open stove jet (1922)

Hall - Hattie, Unknown
Hall - Interesting Monument - Francis, Laurence, Mary, Virginia
Hall - 9yo Carol had diphtheria
Hall - Caryl
Hall - Arthur was in an airplane crash in Italy when the braking parachute ripped off and the plane skidded into a canal (1958)
Hall - Howard jumped from the second story porch of his home three weeks after his wife had passed (1960) - Mary

Hallaway - Mildred
Halperin - Myron was in an automobile accident in Beloit (1929)
Halperin - Sarah
Halpin - James

Halverson - Henrietta had a skull fracture, was it an accident or murder? Her husband was acquitted (1937) - Chester
Halverson - Clara, Oscar
Halverson - Carrie, Martin
Halverson - Gilbert was run over by train in Milwaukee (1927) - Agnes, H.B.
Halverson - Franklyn was in an auto accident in Germany (1979)
Halverson - Paul drown in the Yahara River (1949)

Ham - Violet was hit by a car at Olin Avenue and S. Park Street (1934) - Alice, Edith, Ernest
Hambrecht - Amelia, Emilie, Frank
Hamberger - Iette, featured in Ripley's Believe it or Not because of her unusual name
Hamilton - Lucy, Thomas
Hamilton - Velma, who was a leader in Madison's civil rights and helped found the local chapter of the NAACP, passed at 99 years old (2009) - Harry
Hamm - Francis

Hammer - Eliza, Walter
Hammersley - Joseph's car went through a railing and flipped into a creek, he was injured and may have drown (1959)
Hammersley - Fay
Hammond - James was killed in action in France (1945), buried in Forest Hill three years later - Regina lived to be 101 years old (1996) - Howard
Hammond - Robert fell at the Capitol Hotel (1972)

Hamre - Anna passed at 99 years old (1986) - Gustav
Hanke - Archie fell at the MG&E plant on E. Main Street (1943)
Hankey - Eliza
Hanks - Edward, Infant, Jane, Lucien, Marshall, Martha, Mary, Mildred, Sybil
Hanks - Jane, Lorelei, Lucien, Mary, Sybil, Tobias, William

Hannes - Sanford lived to be 102 years old (1998) - Cora, Ella, Henry, Ingberg, Olaf, Oscar
Hannes - Helen
Hansen - Antonius drown in Lake Monona, jumped in while intoxicated (1898)
Hansen - Amelia
Hansen - Margaret slipped from a ladder while cleaning an eaves trough (1960) - Walter
Hansen - Edward was a well known antique car collector - Viola
Hansen - Edna, Norman

Hanson - 6yo Hilda fell off a pier at the Bernard Boat landing and drown in Lake Mendota (1903) - Helmer, M., Martha
Hanson - Clifford was hit by a train in Dubuque (1935)
Hanson - Walter passed at 99 years of age (2023) - Patricia
Hanson - Harriett
Hanson - Alice, David, Harold
Hanson - Clarence's car skidded into a tree on Hwys 12/13 near Springfield Corners (1956)
Hanson - Donald was shot in Seattle (1956)
Hanson - Lester shot at Harold's Club and held on for ten weeks (1972)

Hardahl - Reinhard was struck by train in east Madison (1909)
Hardon - Gilman was in an auto accident on Hwy 69 near Verona (1964)
Harley - Dorothy
Harley - Jewell lived to be 100 years old (2015) - Elizabeth, Gail, Gratia, Joel, Kenneth, William
Harlow - Harry was a psychologist researcher at the University of Wisconsin, known for his experiments on monkeys that are now considered unethical - Margaret
Harnden - Henry led the First Wisconsin Cavalry to the capture of Jefferson Davis ending the Civil War - Flora, Laura, Mary

Harper - Blanche, Carl, Caroline, Charles, Clara, Cornelius, Crawford, Doris, Elizabeth, Hester, Mildred, Moses, Nancy, Samuel
Harper - A dentist broke Mary's her jaw extracting a tooth (1922)
Harper - Mary
Harrington - Fred was University of Wisconsin President (1962-1970) - Harvey, Nancy
Harrington - Michael drown when, with poor eyesight and darkness, he stumbled into Starkweather Creek (1940)
Harris - Anna

Harrison - Holly was shot by her estranged husband in Washington (2018)
Harrison - Elizabeth, Helen, Jerome, Kate, Robert
Harrison - Lucie lived to be 104 years old (1966) - Caleb
Harrison - Frank lived to be 102 years old (1990) - Clara
Hart - Annie, Edwin
Hartson - Emma passed at 99 years old (1968)
Hartung - Edward, Edith

Harvey - Governor Louis Harvey drown while visiting troops during the Civil War (1862) - Cordelia took up causes for Civil War soldiers and their orphans - Mary, Unknowns
Harvey - James was hit by a train (1903)
Harvey - Leonard hung himself in the La Crosse County jail (2006)
Hasse - Jean, Quentin
Hauge - 10yo Arnie was doing pull-ups with an unknown weak heart on the playground of Lowell School (1930)
Hauge - Herman fell in a cell at the Dane County jail (1955)

Haugen - Thorneil was in a plane crash in Tennessee when the bomber nose-dived and exploded on impact (1943) - Rilla passed at 99 years old (1999) - Freeman, Nellie
Haugen - Elmer was one of three who perished in a crash on Hwy 55 near West Bend (1945) - Herman, Inga
Haugen - Nils was U.S. Representative from Wisconsin (1887-95) - Ingeborg
Haugen - Emma passed at 99 years old (1994) - Hans
Haugh - Louis was wounded in Alaska during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill more than four years later
Hausmann - Edith
Hausmann - Hausmann Brewery - Annie, Carl, Clara, Eleanor, Oscar, Sarah

Havelick - Reno was in a railroad accident (1917)
Hawkins - 6yo Harold had a concussion of his brain (1905)
Hawley - Hawley
Hawley - Ronald
Hawley - Ada was one of two people drown while boating on Lake Mendota (1902)
Hayden - Bertha
Hayes - Charles, Florence

Hayden - Katharine
Haydon - Robert
Hayes - Charles, Florence
Hayes - 9yo Harry was hit by a car on the 500 block of Olin Avenue (1929) - Effie
Haynes - Darius was shot at the BP gas station on Verona Road, apparent revenge for an earlier homicide (2016)
Healy - Florence
Heaney - 1yo Noble was crushed by a dresser he was climbing on (1947) - Alice, Linda

Heassler - 16yo Henry was hit by a train in Illinois (1906) - Annie, Ernest, Infant, O.H., Percy
Heassler - Alton was in a car crash at West Lawn and Prospect Avenues (1962) - Mae, Thilda
Heath - Eugene was in a railroad accident in Slinger (1927) - Arba, Bertha, Ida, Mary
Heck - Florence's coat caught fire from an electric heater in her bathroom (1939)
Heckford - Norbert was riding in a car that crashed into a tree and overturned on Arboretum Drive (1964)
Heffernan - Nathan was Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (1983-95) - Dorothy

Hefty - Donated their mansion in Maple Bluff to the state of Wisconsin, and it is used today as the Executive Residence - Anne, Elsbeth, Madeline, Patricia, Thomas
Heggesta - Bruce
Heggland - Edith, Laird
Heicke - Elenore, Emma, Ludwig
Heilprin - Edna passed at 99 years old (2009) - Bernard, Flavia, harry, Joseph, Sarah
Heim - Clara, Dora, Dorothea, Elsie, Fred, Grace, William
Heim - Muriel was found in her car (1975)

Heimann - Wilbert
Heinzen - Benjamin drown in Stillwater, Minnesota (1995)
Heisler - George
Helfrecht - Donald lived to be 101 years old (2023) - Carol
Helgeson - Hobart was hit by a train in Milwaukee (1917) - Helen
Heller - Charles
Helm - Augusta, Novalus
Helm - William fell asleep while smoking a cigaret (1939) - Bertha, Mary

Hemenway - Louisa
Henderson - Allen & Walter were murdered by Harvey Nelson, who later shot himself (1927) - Ida, Martha, Mary, Notly, Paul
Henderson - Steve was shot for stealing crack cocaine (1995)
Henderson - Joyce, William
Henderson - Nandipha was in an auto accident in California (1971)
Hendrich - Johanes

Hendrickson - Henry lived to be 103 years old (1986) - Blaine, Clara
Hendrickson - Helen
Henika - Guy was in an auto accident at the intersection of Hwys 51 & 60 near Arlington (1940) - Evangeline, Franklin, Margaret
Henkel - Fred, Veronica
Henning - Paul was struck by lightning while under a tree on the Burr Oaks golf course during a storm (1930) - Kathryn lived to be 100 years old (1999)

Henry - Gary was hit by a train laying on the tracks in Maryland (1975)
Henry - Russell used dynamite to kill himself in a wooded area near Raymond Road (1960) - John doused himself in gasoline and set himself on fire at Warner Park (1973)
Henry - 17yo Byron was hit by a Badger Cab on Fordem Avenue (1982) - Gene, Robert
Henshue - Flora, William
Hentz - Harden
Her - Xang passed at 99 years old (1998)

Herbeck - Bonnie
Herfurth - Francis, Theodore
Herheim - Selmer, Violet
Hering - Frances
Herling - Dorothy, Herbert
Herreid - Theodore was run over by a train near Angleworm Station on a foggy night (1916) - Christian

Herrick - Janette
Herrick - Mary
Herrington - Alfred
Herrling - Roy fell down stairs at his home (1954) - Archie, Sarah, Emma, Estella, Lena, Loius, William
Hess - 5yo Jermaine had head injuries from a bicycle accident when he rode into the side of a Madison Metro bus (1988)
Hess - Hess Cooperage - Josephine lived to be 103 years old and lived in three centuries (1898/2002) - Frank, James

Hewitt - Terry was in an auto accident when he was rear-ended in Michigan (1966)
Heyl - John fell from the roof of Turner Hall (1904) - Emma
Heywood - John had internal injuries caused by a fall (1908)
Hicklin - Fannie lived to be 101 years old (2019)
Hickman - Paul got blood poisoning after cutting himself while changing a tire (1925) - Clara, Robert, Victoria
Hickman - William lived to be 103 years old (1984) - Nettie

Hicks - Robert's car collided with a semi truck (1972) - Stratton passed at 99 years old (2006) - Clarence, Eleanor, Jennie, Lillian, Marguerite, Marion, Warren
Hicks - 15yo Lonny hit a cable strung between two posts in a snowmobiling in Beaver Dam (1977)
Hiestand - Frances was hit by a car in Oklahoma (1953) - Harry, Jacob, John, Lucy, Mary, William
Higgins - Ada
High - 5yo Carl "Buddy" was hit by a car on E. Johnson Street on his way to school (1925 ) - Carl Sr., Gertrude
Hile - Howard shot himself behind the State Office Building (1934)

Hill - Howard was accidentally asphyxiated from non vented fumes from a gas heater (1926)
Hilsenhoff - Leonard was killed in action in Germany during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill almost five years later - Emma, Thorwald
Hinkel - Marion passed at 99 years old (1995) - Roy
Hines - Emma, George, Infants
Hines - Charles was murdered in Washington D.C., found bound and gagged, cause of death a severe blow to the head (1948) - Charlie
Hinman - Helen

Hinrichs - Orb Monument - Infant, Leonora, William
Hintz - Fred drown in Lake Waubesa, swimming near his cottage (1940) - Bertha, Carrie, Frank, Frederick, Helena, Herman, Louie, Minnie, Wilhelmina
Hinz - Ruth
Hirsig - Anna, Louis
Hittman - Gertrude
Hoang - Edward was in an auto accident (2000)
Hoard - Trudi
Hobart-Feitlinger - Michael was shot in the head by the owner of a home he had entered without permission, after he was chased down outside (1990)

Hobbins - Gregory had a work related electrical accident (2001) - Audrey, Bertha, William
Hobbins - Edith, Fanny, Joseph, Laura, Lois, Mae, Mary, Minnie, William
Hobbins - Sarah
Hobbins - Louis, Shirley
Hobbins - Joseph organized the medical department at the University of Wisconsin (1855) - Mary
Hochmuth - Lillian
Hoebel - Carl succumbed to pneumonia due to exposure when his home caught on fire (1932) - Dorothy, Edward, Henrietta, Kathryn, Mae

Hoffman - Cora
Hoeffner - Ernest drown while fishing on Lake Wingra (1940)
Hoff - A large mass of ice fell on Bertha's car at the Northwestern train station (1929) - Donald, Marie, Mary, Orlando
Hoffman - 14yo William fell down the stairs at his home (1923)
Hogan - Edward was hit by a train (1907)
Hogan - Katherine
Hoggan - Isme fell from a window at Bradley Memorial Hospital (1936)

Hogoboom - Belford
Hohlfeld - Rudolph drown in Peru (1925) - Alexander, Helen, Karl
Hoiby - Charles was in an auto accident on W. Gorham Street (1928) - Cecelia, Infants, Karn
Hoile - Kenyon was hit by a car after it collided with another car and spun out of control in Appleton (1989) - Edmund, Harold, Muriel, Thelma
Hokin - Catherine was found in her car in a wooded area near East Towne Mall (1992)
Holcomb - Warren's brakes failed on a tandem bicycle he and another man were riding, hitting a tree, at Pearl Harbor while serving in the U.S. Navy (1942)

Hollweck - Elizabeth
Holm - Clarence was in an auto accident on the Middleton Road when he swerved and his car overturned (1948)
Holmberg - 7yo Victor drown in Monona Bay, Brittingham Park beach after it had closed for the night (1918) - Jacob
Homer - Gladys lived to be 101 years old (1993) - Philip
Holm - Leroy, Marian
Holmes - George was shot, was it intentional or an accident? (1946)

Holt - Mildred passed at 99 years old (1922) - Earle, Edward, Mabel
Holt - 1yo Kristin fell off a pier behind her home into Lake Monona (1961)
Holt - Emily
Holt - Herbert was in a farming accident in Colorado (1918) - Amanda, Carrie, Elizabeth, Fannie, Isabelle, William
Holtz - The car Dale was riding in left the road and hit a pole, friend sent to jail for drunk driving (1933) - Frederick

Homer - Johanna
Homer - Gladys, Philip
Homesly - Franklin lost control of his motorcycle on John Nolen Drive (1985)
Hommel - Interesting Monument - Claudia was in an auto accident and the car burst into flames (1933) - Carl, Grace, Isabel, Marcia, Robert, William
Hood - Mary, Thomas
Hook - Rose was hit by a train at Lakeside Street and the crossing (1923) - Walter

Hopkins - Benjamin was a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1867-70) - Arthur, C.B., E., Ethalinda
Hopkins - James was United States District Judge for the Western District of Wisconsin - Charles, Cornelia, James, Mary, Unknown
Hopkins - Alfred, Angeline, Charles
Hopkins - George, Julia
Hoppke - Otto's death was ruled accidental (1943)

Hougen - Olaf, Olga
Hough - William prepared plans and started the platting of Forest Hill (1858) - Alice, Daniel, Georgia, Mary, Unknowns
Houghton - Elizabeth, Katherine, Nellie
Hoover - Anna passed at 99 years old (2007) - Harry
Houston - Vernon
Hovelend - Caroline, Emil
Hoven - Thomas

Howard - Alfred
Howe - William's head was crushed while helping to move a wooden building (1863)
Howe - Hannah
Howell - Martha was moved to Forest Hill from the Village Cemetery - Matilda
Hoxie - Wilber was in a car accident in St. Paul, MN (1956) - Mildred
Hoyt - Hoyt Park - Frank was on the Madison Parks Commission for its first ten years (1932-1942) - Helen, John, Mary
Hoyt - Florence, Hattie, Lansing, Melvina

Hubbard - Harry was one of four men who drown in Lake Mendota when their fishing boat sank (1936)
Hudson - Alfred, Margherita
Hudson - Joseph passed at 99 years old (1984)
Huegel - Freda lived to be 103 years old (1994) - Freeman, Jean, Raymond
Huegel - Herbert G. was killed in action in France during WWI (1918) - 5yo Herbert was hit by a car crossing Monroe Street (1924) - Elizabeth, Grace, John, Linda
Huegel - Schenk & Huegel store at Atwood Avenue & Winnebago Street, "Schenk's Corners" - Arthur
Huemmer - Louise, William

Hughes - Helen passed at 99 years old (1987) - Anne, Caroline, Margaret, Richard
Hughes - Clarence, Josephine
Hughes - Lillian, Raymond
Hughes - Linda
Hughes - Jason was found lying outside the Perkins Restaurant on Hayes Road (2000) - Florence, Jacqueline, John
Hughes - Carrie, Dennis
Hughes - George was in a car/train accident on Lakeside Street (2000) - James, Ruth
Hughes - Evelyn, George - Epitaph: Protect Animal Life

Huiskamp - Janet
Hult - Clarence & Robert, father & son drown as car breaks through ice on Lake Mendota (1933) - Carl, Cora, Myrtle, Ralph, Susan
Hummel - Amanda lived to be 102 years old (1996)
Humphreys - Charles was in a motorboat accident the same year his son, William, was in a car accident (1948)
Hungerford - Addison, Alice, Earl, Francis, Ray
Hutchinson - Annie, Buel, Edward, Helen, James, Mary, Nellie

Hunt - Margaret lived to be 102 years old (1995)
Hunt - Virnell, out on parole for a 1970 murder, shot himself with a deer rifle as police were trying to arrest him for assaulting two women (1987)
Hunt - Michael - Epitaph: Hoka Hey
Hunt - John
Hunt - Taylor was in a military airplane accident in Colorado (1943)
Hunter - Elizabeth was found in a gas-filled kitchen (1949) - Alice, Paul, Rachel
Huntly - Effie, Ella, George, Sarah

Hurbul - Paul jumped from sixth story window at the nursing home he had been a resident at for six years (1977) - Mabel
Hurd - Mary
Hurie - Marjorie had a horseback riding accident in Massachusetts (2009)
Huseby - Beatrice
Huston - Lula
Hutton - 9yo George was run over by a train jumping off after going for a ride (1909) - Isabella, Margaret, Mary
Huynh - Kien
Hyatt - Jan was murdered (2021)

Hyer - Catherine, George, Ruth
Hyland - Margaret, Thomas
Hynes - 18yo Ila was one of four people who perished in an auto accident when their auto missed a curve and glanced off several trees near Whitewater (1949)