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Jack - James was the builder of the Gates of Heaven Synagogue (1863)
Jackson - Cassie
Jackson - James, Josephine
Jackson - Joseph, Julia
Jackson - Laura lived to be 102 years old (2015)

Jackson - Marjorie was in a car accident near Fond du Lac (1964) - Lucille passed at 99 years old (1985)
                Alice, Arnold, Bettina, Eleanor, Harriet, James, Jonathan, Josephine, Margaret, Mary, Robert, Russell, Sydney, Sydonia, Thelma, Virginia
Jackson - Jackson Clinic - Elizabeth, Reginald
Jackson - Mortimer was chosen chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, but declined to serve - Catherine
Jackson - Sadie was shot at point black range in front of the Norris Court Grocery (1949) - Julius
Jackson - Marquise was one of four young men in a car crash at Northport Drive and Packers Avenue (2020)

Jacobs - Caryl, Elizabeth, Frank, Hannah, Margaret, Sarah, William
Jacobs - Hazel lived to be 101 years old (2014) - Alvin
Jacobson - Olga lived to be 105 years old (1990) - Norman
Jacobson - 7yo Irving ran in front of a car on Nakoma Road on his way to school (1937) - Gary, Minnie, Robert
Jacquish - David was a War of 1812 veteran, Epitaph "A pensioner of 1812" - Amelia, Casper, Henry, Marie, Sally
Jaech - Herman was struck by a train just east of the Yahara River (1898)

James - Christiana was shot multiple times in Bridgeport, Connecticut (2006)
James - Richard was one of four young men that perished in a car crash at Northport Drive and Packers Avenue (2020)
Janicke - Charles, Ida
Jaquish - Altanette
Jarnes - Thomas
Javid - Manucher passed at 99 years of age (2021) - Lida
Jeddeloh - Helen, Henry

Jefferson - Eston is the son of President Thomas Jefferson - Beverly & John were Civil War veterans - Annie, Harry, Julia, Thomas
Jelinek - Bohumil, Evelyn
Jenkins - Frances drown herself in Lake Mendota, left a note where her body would be found (1909)
Jenkins - Charles rode his bike into a streetcar on Park Street, coming out of the driveway between Chadbourne & Music Halls (1919) - Edward, Frank, George
Jenkins - Lindsay fell nine stories from a building in downtown Madison (1995)
Jenks - Dorothy, Frank, Franklin, Hazel, Infant

Jensen - Andrew, Kierstine
Jensen - Erik drown in Lake Monona near Law Park when he went for a swim from a boat, missing eleven days (2008) - Dora, Edwin, Eleanor, Wade
Jensen - Katherine was hit by a car on Milwaukee Street at Dixon Street (1954) - Thorwald
Jensen - Carolyn, Oscar
Jensen - Infant

Jensen - Barbara
Jensen - James
Jensen - Paul was hit by a car on Hwy 91 in Las Vegas (1960)
Jensen - Edwin drown in Lake Mendota, boat found drifting, must have fallen in (1944)

Jerdee - Edison was in an auto accident, found dead under a wrecked auto beside the highway (1925) - Mary, Ole, Olin
Jerome - Nancy
Jessner - Ruth drank carbolic acid, found in her backyard (1921)
Jewett - Rose
Joachim - 7yo Roy was run over by a car on Spaight Street when he ran out while looking back at a friend (1931)
Joachim - Alice, Edward, Frances, George, Louise, Ludwig, Mary

Johnson - Bertha, Halvor
Johnson - Gary was killed in action in Vietnam (1969) - Milton, Phyllis
Johnson - Marjorie, Samuel, Walker
Johnson - 6yo David was hit by a truck in front of his home in Kenosha (1958) - Donald, Patricia
Johnson - 6yo Judith had Polio (1952) - Gordon, Leone
Johnson - Leonard and his 6yo grandnephew drown in Lake Monona after their boat capsized (1944) - Monona???

Johnson - Infant
Johnson - Agnes, John, Robert
Johnson - Ada, Robert
Johnson - Elsa passed at 99 years old (2013) - Everett
Johnson - August succumbed to illuminating gas poisoning (1935) - Nels was hit by a car on Winnebago Street (1935) - Elvera, Frederick, Mary, Wlater
Johnson - Emil was found dead of accidental asphyxiation (1930)

Johnson - John was president of Fuller & Johnson Company, he also started the Gisholt Machine Company - Bertha, Carl, Ella, Kaia, Lucy, Maurice
Johnson - Hannah had a hemorrhage of her brain (1900) - John, Olive
Johnson - Margit
Johnson - Ruth
Johnson - Emma
Johnson - Ross was in a truck & train collision in Illinois (1956) - Alfred, Verena, Winifred

Johnson - Sadie
Johnson - Roger was in an auto accident when his car went off Hwy N and rolled over north Stoughton (1964)
Johnson - Christine, Halvor, Infant
Johnson - Richard
Johnson - Alfred, Mary
Johnson - John "Dogskin", confessed murderer of Annie Lemberger (1911)
Johnson - Raymond, Ruby

Johnson - Georgia
Johnson - Caroline, Cornell
Johnson - Bendena was hit by a stolen car driven by an escaped Mendota patient (1962) - Dora passed under mysterious conditions (1906) - Charles, Karine, Peter
Johnson - Amanda, Benjamin
Johnson - Thomas
Johnson - Hobart was in an auto accident on a Canadian highway (1962) - Elizabeth, George, Graham, Sara
Johnson - Raymond was hit by ice that fell from a roof in Utah (1989) - Inez

Johnson - Raymond
Johnson - Edward was in a car accident on Hwy M when his car went down an embankment and turned over (1956) - Anna
Johnson - 8yo Richard was hit running across E. Washington Avenue to catch a bus home (1948)
Johnson - Carl was hit by a car crossing Atwood Avenue at Dunning Street (1938) - Anna
Johnson - Petra was murdered in Vancouver, Washington, her body dumped in a park (1993)
Johnson - Herbert was in an auto accident, only in the receiving vault at Forest Hill, moved to Detroit (1931)

Johnston - David's car overturned after hitting a truck on Hwy 12 near Springfield Corners (1937) - Louise
Johnston - Husband & wife, Clyde and Esther, lived to 97 and 99 years old (1989/92) - Edith, Hiram, Marie, Robert
Johnston - Bernice was found beaten in a ditch on the side of Fish Hatchery Road, dying from exposure (1949)
Joiner - Ortha
Jonas - Maria had her foot severed by a street car (1907)

Jones - Lorenzo was in an auto accident in Jamaica (1994)
Jones - Anson, Cordelia
Jones - Herbert, Sarah
Jones - Dan was killed in action in Germany during WWII (1945), buried at Forest Hill three and a half years later -
Jones - Edith
Jones - Dorothy, Margaret, Thomas
Jones - Ruth

Jones - Mattie
Jones - Glenn succumbed to asphyxiation by smoke from a burning mattress in Monmouth, IL (1937) - Dorothy, Marion
Jones - Robert was in an auto accident when the car bus slid on slippery road hit a culvert (1925) - D.W., Daniel, Neill
Jones - Burr was a Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives - Katharine, Olive
Jones - David and his fiancee were shot by her ex boyfriend leaving Walmart west where they worked, she survived (1999)
Jordahl - Harold was an environmental leader who co-founded Earth Day with Governor Gaylord Nelson - Johanna, Marilyn

Jordan - Arlette lived to be 101 years old (2008) - Frederick
Jordan - James lived to be 109 years old (1970)
Jordan - Ida was hit by a car on University Avenue & Mills Street (1934), hit and run driver sentenced to jail - Frank
Jordan - Phyllis was a South African anti-apartheid activist and author - Archibald, Infant, Phyllis, Zanewonga
Jordan - F.W., Henry, Margaretha
Jorenby - George, Georgia, Olive, Orville
Jorgeson - Johanna

Josephson - Nathan passed at 99 years old (2017) -
Joslin - Elizabeth
Jost - Rudolph
Joy - John, Marianna, Sarah
Juisto - Jennie
Jungman - Henry was injured from a fire caused by an overturned lamp (1901) - Helen, Mary
Juve - Violet had a heart condition and her husband struck her in the chest, he was found innocent of manslaughter (1948)