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Iannone - 16yo Peter was one of four West High teens who perished when their car flipped over and caught fire at Tokay Boulevard & Glen Drive (1988)
Ilegan - John, delivering ice for Conklin Ice Co., severed an artery in his leg when he slipped (1918)
Illegan - Antoni was in an accident (1894) - Fredericka
Ingalls - James, Mary
Ingman - Lucius, Sarah, William
Ingersoll - 1yo Charles choked on a peanut (1949) - Helen drown while sailing on Lake Erie near Buffalo, NY (1944) - Alice, Alfred, Elizabeth, Ethel, Hugh, Leonard

Inman - William
Ipsen - Riding his motorcycle on Hwy T, C.C. Rider "Rotten Peter" was run down by a hit-and-run drunk driver who crossed the centerline (1995)
Ireland - Amelia
Irvin - Laura's car left the road and hit a utility pole on Northport Drive (1980)
Iserman - 3yo Gertrude was burned from a gasoline stove fire (1898)
Ising - Anna, John