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Mabis - Ernest lived to be 101 years old (2009)
Mabis - William was found on railroad tracks near Blue River, WI (1930) - Robert, Rosa
MacDonald - Lena passed at 99 years old (1963)
Machlis - Helen, Orcey, Rose
MacIndoe - Agnes
MacIntyre - Lynette lived to be 101 years old (1999) - Darrell

Mack - Daniel, Fannie, Herman
Mack - Carl, Jacob, Rachel
Mackie - Cecelia
MacKinnon - Colin passed at 99 years old (1895) - Jean
Macomber - Clarissa

Madden - Elizabeth
Mader - Sylvia - Epitaph: Beam Me Up
Madricgal - Ricky
Mael - George
Maher - Francis
Mahoney - Caroline

Main - Alfred was sheriff of Dane County (1850-52) - Alexander, Edward, Emma, Ernest, George, Janette, Mary, Samantha
Main - Eliza, Elyda, Infant, Sophia, Willett
Main - Jennie, Laura, Willett
Main - Dorothy, Elizabeth, Infant, Jackson, John
Malm - Andrew was hit by a train near the Town of Dane (1899)
Malm - Francis was hit by a train on the causeway across Lake Monona (1961)

Manchester - Julianne
Manchester - Manchester's Department Store - Harry, Jessie, Katharine, Morgan, William
Manley - Florence was hit by a train at Law Park (1952)
Mann - Andrew, Dolly, Isabella, julius, Russell
Mannering - John
Manson - Harvey was killed in action during WWI (1918), buried at Forest Hill two and a half years later

Marble - Anna, Henry, Margaret
Marcus - Harris was hit by a car at Mound and Murray streets, moved within Section 10 (1920) - Benjamin, Cherna, Harris, Joseph, Minnie, Nina, Paul, Samuel
Marcus - Marvin was a controversial character in Madison
Margetis - Mary lived to be 101 years old (2021) - Nichols
Margovsky - Alla was in an auto accident on Hwy 14 in Oregon when her car skidded on the snowy road into the oncoming lane (1996)
Markee - Lloyd was in an auto accident when his car plunged into a ditch from Hwy 14 near the Dane and Iowa Counties border (1964)
Marks - Eugene was in a construction accident building a new Capitol in North Dakota (1933)
Marks - Cyril, Letitia

Markwardt - Lorraine restored the indian mounds on the grounds of Blackhawk Country Club - Lula
Marky - John
Marling - Marling Lumber - Dorothy, Elisabeth, Infant, John, Margaret, Melva, Robert, Sarah, Walter, William
Marlow - 6yo Charles ran out into the street and was hit by a car (1942)
Marsh - Louise
Marsh - Rebecca, William
Marsh - Herbert passed at 99 years old (1996) - Florence died of strangulation (1949) - 1yo Louise succumbed to poisoning, moved three years later (1947) - Evva, William

Marshall - Stephen hit a tree off of Hwys 12/18 in the Town of Cottage Grove (2011)
Marshall - Hazel passed at 99 years old, ten days before her birthday (1998) - David, Harriet, Mary, Mildred
Marshall - Obelisk Monument - Emiline, Infant, Mary, Roujet, Thomas
Marshall - Stephanie was one of three young people who perished in an auto accident on Hwys 18/151 in Barneveld (1998)
Marshallian - Bedross was in a collision that knocked him out of his car, and then he was hit by another car (1961)
Marston - Anna, Jeremiah, Mary, Thomas
Martell - Albert
Marten - Edward's death was accidental (1930) - Julia, Robert

Martin - Leona, on her honeymoon trip, jumped from the twenty ninth floor of the Morrison Hotel in Chicago as her husband watched (1941)
Martin - Josephine lived to be 100 years old (2003) - Robert
Martin - Hal drown in Lake Monona, his car went through the ice near the entrance to the Yahara River (1922) - Delmar, Effie, Lillie
Martin - Clyde
Martin - Marion
Martin - John, Ramona
Martin - Paul was hit by a car in Florida on his birthday (1994)
Martin - George, University of Wisconsin Wrestling Coach, drown in Canada when his canoe overturned (1970) - Thelma

Martinez-Guevara - Isaac was in an auto accident on Hwy 35 in La Crosse (2005) - Hanez
Marty - Annie, Jacob, Madelona, Mary, Mathaus, Verana
Marx - Arnold, a psychiatrist, was burned in his apartment at Mendota Mental Health when his cigar started a fire, but was he already dead? (1977)
Maryan - Harry, Hazel
Masake - Michael was in a railroad accident (1917)
Mason - Jill was in a car accident on Allen Boulevard (1972)
Mason - Ella, George, Nellie
Mason - Daisy, Edwin, Josephine, Mary, Vroman

Massey - Children, father, grandmother; family decimated by automobile accidents over 45 years time - Marland, Sandra, Wayne
Masterton - James and Esther were in a head-on auto accident on Hwy 190 near Waukesha (1948) - Elizabeth
Matt - Lois
Mathews - 7yo Johnie was hit by an auto truck on W. Washington Avenue (1927)
Mathieson - Harry?, Joseph, Judith

Mattel - Mathew shot himself without warning while talking with a friend on the Hennepin Avenue bridge in Minneapolis (1921)
Matthei - John died from asphyxiation in Milwaukee (1993) - Maxine, William
Mattern - Richard
Matthews - Edward was presumed drown in Spring Green (empty boat found but body never recovered?) (1996)
Mattie - Nellie
Matzdorf - Catherine, Katherine, MArtin, William
Mautz - Mautz Paint - Amalie, Bernard, Bernhard, Jane, Louise

Mautz - Bernhard, Caroline, Fred
Maurin - Joseph fell thirty five feet from a scaffolding in Peoria (1949) - Lester
Maxwell - Alonzo
Mayer - Walter was asphyxiated by gas in his kitchen (1932) - Daisy
Mayer - Franklin fell down the stairs at his home in Milwaukee (1951) - Edna, Edward, Franklin
Mayhard - Mary, Roy
Maynard - James

Mayo - Sarah lived to be 105 years old (1998) - Francis
Mazursky - Bernard was killed in action, Vietnam (1968)
McAdams - Kenneth shot himself hunting (1954)
McAteer - James, Jessie
McBeath - Andrew, Ivor, Lida
McBride - Cross Monument - Edgar
McBride - James owned the land in Maple Bluff that known as McBride's Point, Epitaph: "Here lies a sinner saved by Grace" - Alex, John, Mary

McCamy - Colin, James, Julia
McCann - Ethel, Peter
McCarll - Robert was a Civil War veteran - Della, Elizabeth, John, Shirley
McCarthy - Fire on Shanty Hill takes five lives (1860)
McCartney - Mabel
McCauley - Hiram, Jeneva, Talithia
McConnell - Louis
McConnell - Emily, a kindergarten teacher, was murdered in front of her students by John Spooner (1914) - Adaline, Anna, Clara, Helen, Mamie, Robert, Sherwood

McCord - Rose was in an auto accident on Hwy 14 near Black Earth (1947)
McCoy - Edward drown in Lake Monona (1921)
McCoy - Walter's car hit a railway crossing signal on W. Washington Avenue (1942) - Infants, Janette, Mildred, Matilda, Ralph
McCune - John
McCurdy - Jean
McCutchin - Ethel
McDaniels - Eloise passed at 99 years old (2006) - Wilbur

McDill - Alexander was U.S. Representative from Wisconsin Eighth District (1873-75) - Eliza
McDonough - Francis, Mary
McDonald - Elaine
McDonald - James passed at 99 years old (1986) - Grace
McDormit - Clara, George
McDowell - Leathe
McDowell - Gene, Infant, Robert

McGann - Nola passed at 99 years old (2005) - Louis
McGarragh - Hoyt
McGary - Virginia was a colonel in the U.S. Army and chief of the dietitian section of the Medical Specialists Corps. - Amber, Lester, Mary
McGilvary - Paton was a hero of several notable bombing raids as an American flyer with Italian forces during WWI, he took his own life (1921) - Elizabeth, Evander
McGinnis - James
McGonegal - Alex

McGowan - 6yo William drown with another young boy who is also buried in Section 18 (1905) - Angus, Gertrude, Janet
McGowan - Eleanore lived to be 100 years old (1992)
McGrane - 4yo Shawn succumbed to HIV/AIDS (1996)
McGraw - Aileen
McGraw - Lorraine passed giving birth to a stillborn child (1934)
McGreevy - Benjamin lived to be 100 years old (1987) - Ethel
McGuigan - Jason was murdered along with two other men in Verona (2003) - Robert

McElwain - Effie passed at the Union Orphan's Hospital (1866)
McHugh - Roger was president of Prescription Pharmacy Inc. (1969) - Mary
McIntosh - 5yo Maxine was hit by a car when she ran out into the Williamson & Baldwin Streets intersection (1934)
McKee - John fell from a hand car (1896)
McKillop - William and Alvin Kalbus drown in Lake Mendota when high winds and waves overturned their fishing boat (1949) - Donald, Jane, Letitia
McKnight - Betty, George
McKnight - 8yo Carolellyn ran into a truck on S. Park Street (1962)

McKoy - Byron was in a car accident on the 2200 block of Sherman Avenue when he hit a tree and flipped over (1930) - Imogen
McKune - Samuel was dragged by a horse when he got his foot caught (1922)
McLeod - Doris was murdered, found at the Goose Lake Wildlife Preserve, she was unidentified for several months (1991)
McMahan - Richard was in an accident (2012) - Betty, Joseph
McMurray - 14yo Glenn died having his tonsils removed (1923) - Junia

McNamara - Daniel had a heart attack after setting a fire from smoking while using an oxygen tank (1990)
McPeak - Winifred, only in the receiving vault at Forest Hill, was in a head-on car accident on Hwy 12/18 (1938)
McPherson - Matilda, Peter
McPherson - Charles
McPherson - Zella
McPike - Jeffrey, Olivia
McVicar - McVicar Photography - Angus, Genevieve

McVey - Corinne was in an accident (2020)
McWilliams - Burr accidentally overdosed of sleeping capsules (1947) - Marie
Mead - 11yo Paul fell from a tree (1916) - Daniel, Elisa, Frank, Franklin, Harold, Hazel, Katie, Margaret, Russell
Mears - Annie, James, Jane, Lois, Unknown, William
Meder - Evan
Meecham - David, Elizabeth
Meek - Honora fell from a truck (1916) - John was killed in action in Haiti during WWI (1920)

Meicher - Corabelle
Meier - Lucille passed at 99 years old (2016) - Edward
Meier - Delores
Meier - Richard and Jane Wolman were in an auto accident in Nebraska (1967) - Alfred, Ruth
Meier - William
Meiller - Arthur, Geraldine

Meisenzahl - Mystery surrounding the death of Otto, body exhumed, is it him buried here? (1936) -
Meland - John fell down stairs at the UW Dairy Barn (1927) - Julia
Melcher - Michael, a Vietnam veteran, was in an accident at Ft. Polk, Louisiana (1978)
Meloche - Alice, Gladys, John, Mary, Villers
Melvin - William was hit by a cannon he was firing for the 4th of July (1889) - Martha
Memhard - Caroline, Charles, Edward, Elizabeth, Emma, Freddie, George, Helen, Infant, Louis

Mendow - Josephine
Mercer - 1 month old Jesse was strangled by his father (1979)
Mercer - 14yo Christopher was in a truck when it lost control on Hwy K near Lancaster (1976)
Merrill - Polly
Merriman - Curtis, the man who inspired the "Twin Reunion" lived to be 100 years old (1975) - Bertha
Merwin - Clarissa

Messerschmidt - Augusta, Clara, Heinrich
Messerschmidt - Lewis was in an auto accident on Verona Road (1938) - Clara, Emma, Lewis
Mettner - Joseph was thrown from his car in a rollover accident on Hwy 110 near Neenah, WI (2009)
Metzner - Marjorie lived to be 101 years old (2020) - Bruce, Carrol

Meyer - Hans was in an auto accident in Kenya (1989)
Meyer - John was in a railroad accident (1875) - Annie, Emma, John, Josephine, Mary, Minnie, Rudolph
Meyer - Patricia
Meyer - Elizabeth, John
Meyer - Frank was accidentally shot in the leg hunting in Montana (1946)
Meyer - Richards & Ilse passed together, Ilse was 108 years old (2008)

Meyers - Harry
Meyers - Emmanuel, Wilhelmina
Meyerson - Rochelle was found after she had been dead for more than three weeks (1953)
Michalson - Edmond
Michalson - Juanita
Michel - Arthur drown in Lake Mendota (1898), two years later he was moved within Section 6

Middleton - Fola, George
Middleton - William D.
Middleton - William S. Middleton building on the University of Wisconsin campus
Mildbrand - Ludwig, Sophia
Mildrich - Michael told a friend he was going on a long trip before taking his own life with gas (1932)

Milen - John was hit by a drunk driver as he walked along Sherman Avenue (1946), drunk-o-meter?
Milesky - Ruth lived to be 100 years old (2015) - Samuel
Milestone - Allen, Danny, Dorothy
Millar - 15yo James drown in Lake Wausau, at the Lake Wausau Country Club while trying to retrieve a golf ball (1924)

Miller - Scott drown in a scuba diving accident (1972)
Miller - It's believed that Laura and her husband took their own lives by gas together (1947)
Miller - Peter was shot (1968)
Miller - John, Sophia
Miller - Mary
Miller - William's car went off Hwys 13/14 south of Madison (1955)

Miller - Alice, William
Miller - Josephine was in an auto accident when their truck turned over on Hwy 13 near Wisconsin Rapids (1927) - David, Lyman
Miller - Leroy
Miller - Charles was in an auto accident (1967) - Dorothy, Edna, Ella, Helen
Miller - Charlotte

Miller - 10 month old Gordon strangled between two beds (1914)
Miller - Florence
Miller - Joseph fell more than 100 feet from the water works chimney on Franklin Street (1926)
Miller - William was carried to the poll so he could vote, hours before dying (1920) - Anna, DuBois, Geraldine, Lucile
Miller - Emma

Miller - Janette accidentally drank carbolic acid she thought was medicine (1899)
Miller - George, Hazel
Miller - Frederick, Violet
Miller - C. Lee was in a head-on collision in snowy conditions on Hwy 151 twenty miles north of Madison (1959)
Miller - Frank was hit by a train, was it an accident? (1924)

Millett - Albert was hit by a truck in Indiana, standing by his car that had run out of gas (1938)
Milliff - Evelyn was beaten by her extremely senile husband (1981) - James
Mills - Simeon was Village President (1851) - Arthur, Elizabeth, Francis, Genevieve, Herbert, Maria
Mills - Edith was in an accident (1894) - Agnes, Anna, Emery, Hans
Mills - Paul was hit by a car on his forty ninth birthday, hurrying to a bus stop on Brearly Street in the rain (1963)
Mills - Kevin was shot in the parking lot of Kohl's Food Store on S. Park Street (2001)
Milroy - Karl

Miner - Charles, Isora, Ruth
Miner - Rev. Henry lived to be 102 years old (1932) - Handel, Harriet, Relief
Mitchell - PAtricia, Thomas
Mitchell - James apparently fell asleep at the wheel and crashed and flipped over on Hwy 190 near Pewaukee (1968) - Bertie, E., Florence, Marguerite, Robert
Mitchell - Frank
Mitchell - Anna, Ernesy
Mitchell - Ada passed at 99 years old (2016) - William

Mobry - 11yo Robert drown at the Brittingham Park beach (1955) - James, Lucille, Steven
Modie - Infant, Martin
Moe - Theodore
Moehlman - Pauline
Mohr - Andrew was in a railroad accident in Milwaukee (1913)
Molenaar - Daniel
Moll - Lester shot himself in front of his estranged wife and 8 year old son (1913) - Frank, Wilhelmina
Mollet - William was in a mountain climbing accident on Wallface Mountain in the Adirondack Forest (1977) - Aileen, Lyle

Moncrief - 13yo Wanda was in an auto accident in Beloit (1953)
Mondry - Eileen had a heart attack while driving on University Avenue (1996) - Leon
Monsees - Adolph was in an auto accident on Hwy 12 (1930), originally in Section 15, moved after a month
Monteith - Mary was hit by a car in front of her home on W. Wilson Street during a storm that hampered visibility (1929)
Montgomery - Conley was in an auto accident in Arizona (1988) - Barbara
Montgomery - Dudley, Josephine
Montgomery - Maria

Monum - Leonard, Threassia
Moon - Edith
Moon - Warren was a professor of art history at the UW who was an expert in detecting forgeries (1992)
Moore - Janet was missing for a year and a half before her body was found under the porch of her next door neighbor in Wisconsin Rapids (2004)
Moore - Gerald was killed in action in WWII (1942), buried at Forest Hill six and a half years later - Bessie
Moore - 2yo Anthony was hit by an automobile in front of his home on Darbo Drive (1983)
Moore - Lemuel
Moore - Emma, Joseph
Moore - Gerald

Moran - William shot himself after killing his wife (1899)
Morehouse - Chester
Morehouse - Anna, Richard
Morgan - Billy, Jessie, Phillip
Morgan - Claude, out of jail on Huber for Thanksgiving, was driving a stolen car and hit a utility pole on S. Park Street, he passed a week later (1961)
Morgan - Kate, Thomas, Sarah, Willifred
Morgan - Alice, George, Mary, Mildred
Morgan - Charles, Florence
Morgan - Nettie
Morgan - Kyle

Morgenson - Esther passed at 99 years old, just six days before she would have turned one hundred (1998) - Walter
Morgenson - Infant
Morhoff - Harold, Herbert, Ida, Russell, William
Morris - Arthur, Harriet, Ida, Margaret, Richard, Sophia, William
Morris - Infant
Morris - Boulder Monument - Josephine, Thomas
Morrison - Clara, James, Maria
Morrison - William fell on an icy sidewalk (1893) - Julia

Morrow - 3yo Marian's brother started her dress on fire playing with matches (1898) - Infant Belva died of strangulation (1906) - Bertha, Kittie, Marion
Morschhauser - Daisy
Morse - Pauline
Morse - Ambrose, Eliza, Lowell
Morse - Edward hung himself in a cell at the police station (1938) - Marjorie, Mathilda, Robert
Morton - Belle killed herself with carbolic acid at Tenney Park (1915)
Morton - Fannie, Harvey, James

Moseley - Moseley University Bookseller - Ada, Anna, Caroline, Flora, George, James
Moss - William succumbed to electrical burns (1921) - Flora
Mosse - George L Mosse Humanities Building - George
Motzko - Leonard had third degree burns from a fire started when paint remover ignited at his home (1973)
Moua - 17yo Sheeton drown in Jersey Valley Lake in Westby, WI (2004)
Moulton - Hiram was mayor of Madison (1885) - Ellen
Mowry - Beatrice, Russell

Mueller - 7yo Aiden's family was having a picnic when a car went out of control and hit them (2012)
Mueller - Agnes, Eda, Ernst, Infants, Mary, Selma
Mueller - Elizabeth
Mueller - Julia
Mueller - Joachim
Mueller - Shirley, Willard

Muetz - Ernest was one of seven that perished in a train crash in Piedmont, Montana when forty cars broke loose, went down a steep grade, into another train (1920)
            3yo Wesley was run over by a car on Milwaukee Street (1937) - Dorothea, Eleanor, Frank, Fritz, Isabel, Michael, William
Muetz - Elmer was in a car accident when his vehicle went down a 25-foot embankment in the town of Springfield (1949) - Anna, Frank
Mulholland - Kathryn
Mullen - Rosina lived to be 100 years old (2018) - Charles
Mulrine - Esther
Mumm - Philip drown when he jumped from a sailboat into Lake Mendota, not found for three weeks (2004)
Mundt - Sara was in an auto accident in Illinois (1977)

Munn - Clyde was hit by a car crossing Hwys 12/18 near Femrite's Corners (1938)
Munn - Anne
Murdock - Ellis drown in Pennsylvania (1926) - Virginia
Murphy - John, Lucile
Murphy - Steven shot himself after shooting his ex-girlfriend (1987)
Murray - Hannah, Thomas
Murvar - Andrew's snowmobile went into open water in Oneida County (1997) - Bernadine, Vatroslav
Musbach - Frederick was in an auto accident on Hwy 19 near Sun Prairie (1939), Moved from Section 50

Muskai - Kal was hit by a train (1910)
Musolf - Mark was in an auto accident on Hwy 13 near Park Falls (2008) - Claude, Helen
Myers - Marie lived to be 103 years old (1993) - Donald, Doris
Myers - Peter
Myers - Michael was in an auto accident in Healdsburg, California when he missed a curve on Pine Flat Road (1982) - Margaret, Richard
Myres - Edward, Linda & their infant son, Edward Jr., were in an auto accident in Indiana (1966), all moved from Section 50 to Section 40 (1993)