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Kaeser - Clara lived to be 100 years old (1983) - Frederick, George, Jean, William
Kaether - John hit a pothole on E. Wilson Street and fell from a wagon (1909) - Christine
Kahler - Janet
Kailen - Chwalle, Isaae
Kaiser - William was hit by a train as he was walking along the tracks near Livingston Street (1898) - Mary
Kalan - Michael was on a bicycle, hit by SUV in Portland (2006)
Kalbfleisch - Emma, George

Kalbus - Alvin and William McKillop drown in Lake Mendota when high winds and waves overturned their fishing boat (1949) - Helen
Kalden - X. Kaldin passed in a rooming house fire that started in his room (2004)
Kalil - Elaine drown in Santa Cruz, CA (1975)
Kallas - Marie
Kalrath - George, Helen

Kaminskas - Genevieve lived to be 100 years old (2017) - Charles
Kamm - Kermit, Marjorie
Kane - George's car hit a train on Hwy 113 just north of Waunakee (1950)
Kanouse - C.W., Joseph
Karlin - Elizabeth was a doctor specializing in women's health (1998) - Rosa

Karnopp - Gottfried was in an auto accident in Wautoma when he skidded on ice and hit a tree (1949)
Karstens - Frank, Lulu
Kasdin - Aaron, Beatrice, Sarah, Saul
Kaster - John
Katz - Samuel was trying to stop a truck that brakes had failed on and was crushed when he fell under (1924)

Kaupert - Frances
Kautz - Paulina
Kay - 16yo Donald was in a truck that overturned near Stoughton (1950) - Gordon, Nellie, Robert
Keachie - Amelia lived to be 101 years old (1936) - Alice, Buelah, Carrie, Frank, Fred, George, William
Keating - Irene succumbed to "Exposure/Alcohol Intoxication" (1978)
Keenan - George, Mary

Keidan - Sohnia was an artist and Jewish community leader who lived to be 101 years old (1987) - Max
Keig - Benjamin murdered his wife then cut his own throat (1902)
Keland - Ella
Keller - Erich
Kelliher - Mary
Kellogg - Double Lamb Marker - Helen was hit by a car at Gilman and Carroll streets (1918)

Kelly - Joanna passed at 99 years old (1948)
Kelly - John
Kelly - Frederick was attacked by a bull at his brother-in-law's farm near Mineral Point (1938) - Ella
Kelly - James passed in a jail cell after he was arrested at Camp Randall Stadium (1938)
Kelly - Ella, George, Luella, William
Kelly - Donald, Ruth
Kelly - Agnes
Kelly - Holly

Kelso - 2 month old Paul was hit when a car lost control and it ran up on the sidewalk over his baby buggy (1915) - Leslie, Margaret, Meryl
Kemp - Alice
Kemp - Claire
Kempf - William
Kennedy - Elizabeth, Infant

Kendrick - 11yo Evangelina was in a house fire on Bram Street (1968)
Kentzler - Andrew was in an auto accident on Hwy 14 near Janesville (1941) - Andrew, Emma, Paul
Keppel - Marie lived to be 103 years old (1994) - Frank
Kern - Oscar stepped in front of a car near his home on E. Gorham Street heading to work (1951) - Melanie
Kessenich - Nanette drown in Lake Mendota (1990) - Timothy
Kester - Mary, drown herself in Lake Mendota (1895)

Ketchum - Preston was pinned beneath a train in Chicago (1930) - Alva, Harold, Isaac, Josephine
Keuling - Katherine
Kevorkian - Moses
Key - Catherine
Keyes - Elisha was Madison's sixth mayor (1865-66) - Caroline, Carrie, Eliza, Harriet, Joseph, Louis, Sarah

Kiehlgast - Sophia
Kiekhofer - Emily, Gladys, William
Kienast - Carol, Dan, Frank
Kilgust - Alfred
Kimball - Carol, David
Kimberley - Walter was hit by a train on his way to go fishing at Lake Leota (1934)

King - Carrie lived to be 100 years old (1957) - Edmond, Franklin
King - William was killed in action in France during WWI (1918), buried at Forest Hill three years later - Frank, John, Mary
King - Mary
King - Charles shot himself, was it intentional or an accident? (1907) - Elizabeth, Jessie
King - Walter was hit walking along I90 after his car broke down ten miles south of Madison (1979)
King - Franklin was one of three men who drown drown when their boat overturned in rough water while hunting duck in Prairie du Chien (1938) - Katherine, Paul

Kingsley - Edsel
Kingslow - Christopher was hit by a semitrailer while walking along I39/90 near Stoughton (2006)
Kingston - Thomas lived to be 100 years old (1897) - Elizabeth
Kinney - Robert was in an auto accident driving the wrong way on I90/94 near Poynette (1970) - James, Morris
Kirchoffer - Nettie was one of three women who perished in a car accident on Hwy 73 near Deerfield (1963) - Gray, Marian, William
Kittleson - Isaac was mayor of Madison (1920-25) - Ida
Klauber - Caroline died of shock hearing of the death of her young neighbor (1891) - Moses drown when he went through the ice near Hurley, WI (1910) - Samuel, Sophie

Klein - Anton drown in Lake Monona (1916)
Klein - John was in an accident (1913)
Kleinpell - Gretchen
Klemke - Frank was suffocated by smoke near Deerfield (1954)
Klemm - Donald was in an explosion in a chromium mine (1951)
Kletzien - Hobart lived to be 100 years old (1996) - Helen
Kletzien - Janet passed after giving birth (1930)

Klevgaard - John passed at 99 years old (1961) - Alice, Bernard, Bertha, Rudolph
Klinge - Norma was 99 when she passed (2013) - Melvyn
Klinzing - Ardyce
Kloak - Adelia
Klose - Adolph, Marie
Klouda - Zelda

Kluever - Anna, Carl, Henry, John, Mary
Kmiotek - Margaret lived to be 100 years old (2021) - Stanley
Knapp - Eliud lived to be 101 years old (2017) - Ellen
Kneller - Hermine was hit by a car at Gorham & Carroll streets (1940) - Anna, Ella, Samuel
Knight - Harvey
Knight - Interesting Monument - Anna, Elizabeth, Ella, John, Susannah

Knoch - George was found dead in a barn behind the Klueter Company grocery on E. Washington Avenue (1913) - Henry, Jacob, Martha
Knowlton - Amos, Harry
Knox - Mary
Knox - Steven drown in Washington (1980) - Bernice, Carrie, Ray, Raymond
Knox - Henry was in an auto accident at E. Mifflin & N. Brearly streets (1944)

Knudson - Clarence, Hazel
Knudson - Gertrude, John
Knudson - Matthew was hit by a train in Prairie du Chien (1916) - Christine
Knuteson - Andrew was smothered lying in bed (1915)
Koehler - Herman, Margarete
Koepcke - Louie hadf third degree burns from a house fire (1934) - Emma, Frank
Koethe - Kittie

Kogelmann - Koloman, May
Kohler - Gordon passed at 99 years old (2009) - Emery, Margharetta, Mary
Konrad - Ruth was in an auto-train accident (1942) - Laura, Nicholas
Kopang - Arthur was killed in action in France (1918), buried at Forest Hill three years later - Anna, Ole
Korn - Donald passed at 99 years old (2022) - Helen
Korn - Otto was one of two men drown in Lake Monona when their boat overturned while fishing (1930)
Kosina - Anna, Frank, Infant, Nanda, Walter, William
Koskey - Michael

Koster - Clara, Frank, John
Koukuyt - Elizabeth passed at 99 years old (1979)
Kowing - 6yo Dallas drown in Monona Bay (1931) - Frank, Rose
Kracht - Charles, Franklin, Helen, Mathilda
Kraege - Fred was mayor of Madison (1943-47) - Laura
Kraft - Lena passed at 99 years old (1990) - Alphons, Philip
Kraner - Mattie lived to be 107 years old (1990) - Oliver

Kraus - 15yo Gladys was asphyxiated by gas from a stove burner (1925) - Bertha
Kreier - Emmanuel was in a car accident on Hwy 92 near Mt. Horeb (1969)
Kremer - 11 month old Jane was strangled in her crib by a cord (1955) - John
Kriwkowitsch - George was in an auto accident on Hwy 14 in Iowa County (1992) - Olga
Kroncke - Alfred was in a car crash with a streetcar in Alabama (1934) - Anna, Earl, H.G., Herman, Jennie, Louis, Marguerite, Mathilde, Oscar
Kroncke - Mary

Kronenberg - Herman, Hilda
Kropf - Anna was in a car accident on Hwy 151 near Waupun (1938) - Arnold, August, Oscar, Oswald, Taleta, Walter, Wilhelmina
Kruk - Ruany
Kruger - John, who was deaf, was struck by a passenger train (1903)
Krum - Andrew passed at 99 years old (1926) - Mary
Kruse - Steven was in a one car auto accident on Hwy M when he missed a curve and crashed into trees (2004) - Herbert, Isabelle

Kubicek - Antonia was asphyxiated by gas from a stove burner (1945) - Joseph
Kubly - Wolff, Kubly and Hirsig Co. President, Vincent, succumbed two years after injuring himself in a picnic tug-of-war (1925) - Anna, Evelyn, Robert, Stanley
Kubly - Harold, Jean, Vincent
Kuehl - Edwin, Louise
Kuenning - 16yo Curtis got a brain stem hemorrhage from a football injury (1965) - Hazel, Leroy
Kummer - Rudy died of sunstroke at 29 (1911)

Kupfer - Kupfer Iron Works - Adolph, Mabel, Sarah, Theodore
Kurz - 2yo Carl drown in a cistern, the cover was so light he was able to open it himself (1909)
Kusche - Pearl lived to be 102 years old (2013) - Glen
Kutzbock - August, a very prominent Madison area architect, drown himself (1868) - Marie