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Gaertner - Helen, Max, Wilhelmina
Gaetner - Herman, Irma, Mathilda
Gage - Henry, Mary, William
Gage - Frederick was shot by terrorists in Rome (1985) - Elinor jumped seven stories from the Park Motor Inn on the Square (1969) - Barbara
Gallagher - Frances
Gallagher - 6yo Irene was in an accident (1903) - Alice, Arthur, Infant, James, Jane, John, Mary, Minnie, William

Gallaher - Emmy, Stuart
Gapen - Clarke, Jennie
Garcia - Andrea was in a car accident when the driver of her car tried to pass and lost control on Hwy 51 in the Town of Dunn (2009)
Gardner - Gardner Bakery - Louis and his mother, Esther, were in a plane crash near Baraboo, Louis was the pilot (1957) - Reed
Gardner - Harold was in an auto accident on Hwy 14 near Middleton (1957)
Garlick - Charles, Lucy, Reuben, William

Garner - Elizabeth
Garner - Hazel
Garner - Emma
Garner - Elizabeth lived to 102 years old (1923) - Edward, Harriet, Mary

Garrett - James was in a railroad accident when he walked around one train into the path of another in South Beloit, IL (1927)
Gastman - Flora, John
Gatterdam - Obelisk - Alfred, Matilda
Gausman - Charles
Gauss - 17yo Andrew choked on food Christmas day (1985) - Elaine
Gaveney - Isadore

Gawara - Adam, Helen - Epitaph: She Bore Witness to the Holocaust She is Now Set Free
Gay - Bessie, David, Esther, Hilda, Jack, Janice, John, Kate, Leonard, Maude, Randall, Ruby, Sidney
Gay - Carrie, William
Gay - Jessie, William
Gay - Ann and John, mother and son, passed the same day from Cholera (1854) - Ethel, Lucy, Matthew, Phillip, Sarah, Virginia
Gayton - Bertha, Robert
Gee - Alice, Fred, John

Gegan - Lynne succumbed to a gunshot wound (1984) - Edward
Gehner - 11 month old John was strangled by his bedclothes (1942) - Arnold, Jean, Mary
Geiger - Mildred passed at 99 years old (1994)
Geiger - Charles was ejected from the car he was in when it overturned at Maher Avenue & Davies Street (1941) - Henry
Geiger - Infant
Geiger - Anna
Geiger - Albert

Gensch - Anna, Edwin
Genske - Eunice
Genske - Bertha, Frederick
George - 16yo John slipped and fell beneath the cars and was run over (1873), Epitaph: "Killed by the cars" - Alexander, Frank, Henry, Jane, Laura, Mabel, William
George - Richard
Georgeson - 2yo Dorothy was in a house fire when her four year old brother brought a gas can in and put it by the stove (1927) - James, Susie
Gerfen - Raymond was hit by a car crossing E. Washington Avenue (1964) - Helen
Gerhardt - Dorothy, Jacob, Lee, Lillian

Gerke - 15yo Ruth was hit by a car while riding her bicycle in Menomonee Falls (1935) - Gerhard, Ida, Leroy, Ruth, William
Gerke - William was KIA in France during WWI (1918), buried a year and a half later - Minnie succumbed to heat during the great heave wave of 1936 - Charles, Helen
Gerling - John Jr. was wounded in France during WWII and was hospitalized for over eight years before dying of those wounds (1944/51) - Grace, John Sr.
German - Carrie, Charles
Germann - Edward was hit by a train near the Lake Monona crossing (1916) - LaVern, Lena, Marie
Gernon - Dorothy
Gettleman - Anna drown in La Crosse on her birthday (1919)

Geweke - Carl
Gfroerer - Albert, Eunice
Gibson - Arrington, Hannah
Gibson - Eloise
Gibson - Ann
Gibson - Charles succumbed to the Spanish Flu during the pandemic of 1918

Giddings - Arthur, Augusta, Bertha, Charles, Frederick, Harriet, Hattie
Gieselman - Virginia passed at 99 years old (2009) - Elizabeth, John
Gilbert - Adele, Bertha, George, Jessie, Julia, Oliver, Ruth, Sophia, Will, William
Gilbert - Emily
Gilbert - Eleanor, Herman, Johnna
Gilbert - Dena, Frank, Infant

Gilbert - Dale was a professor of music at the University of Wisconsin
Giles - Hiram, Rebecca
Gill - William started the Madison Hospital (1880s) - Winifrad was moved to Forest Hill from another location (1915) - Hannah, Minnie
Gill - Jacob hung himself at the Madison police station (1909)
Gill - Charles was Attorney General of Wisconsin (1866-70), and a Union Army officer in the Civil War - Martha

Gillen - Janet
Gillett - Thomas was in a car accident while on shore leave in Guam during the Vietnam War (1973) - Bobby, Phyllis
Gillette - Doris, Kenneth
Gillette - 5 month old Harry strangled on a piece of a rubber bib (1934)
Gillette - Frederick was in an auto accident in France during WWII (1945), buried at Forest Hill three years later - Alvha, Anna, Edward, Frederick, Jane, Sophie, William
Gillies - James was in a car accident when they hit a bank on Hwy 60 near Poynette (1936) - Anna, David, Edith, Robert, Sarah

Gilman - George, Philura
Gilman - 5yo Louis fell from a tree and passed four months later (1931) - Helen
Gilman - Edward, Flora, Laura, Sophie
Gilmore - John, Mary
Gingles - Beverly
Gingras - Ryan was in an auto accident in Texas (2010)
Girstenbrei - Samuel, who was deaf, was hit by a train near the Starkweather Creek Bridge (1933) - Christian, Edward, Emma, Jennie, Sophia

Givens - Charles and his fiancee succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning while sitting in a car in a garage, planned to be married in days (1942)
Glenz - Emma lived to be 103 years old (1987) - Adolph, Julia, Margaret, William
Glines - Edna, Eliza, Harvey, Milton
Glissendorf - Wilmer
Glover - Clarence, Dovie
Goddard - Alice, Arthur
Goeldner - Ernest rear ended a semi on the West Beltline at Seminole Highway (1954)

Goff - Grace and her newborn son passed a day apart, buried in same grave (1932) - Robert
Goff/Goff-Roberts - Wallace succumbed to shrapnel wounds in the Korean War (1951) - Virginia
Goldenberger - Charles drown in Lake Mendota when his boat tipped over (1898) - Alice, Benedict, Blaine, Elizabeth, Emma, Minnie
Goldschmidt - May
Golfinos - Diamantis
Gollin - Nerma passed at 99 years old (2014) - Frank
Gonce - Louise was 99 when she passed (1997) - John

Gonzales - Deloris & Frank's car overturned on Hwy 151 west of Sun Prairie (1954)
Gonzalez-Jay - Gaspar, Jill
Good - Thomas was stabbed, found at the outskirts of town (1899) - Phyllis, Unknown
Good - Claudia, Emily
Goodlad - 1yo Mary succumbed to monoxide poisoning (1928) - Ernest fell while running from the police (1928) - Charles, Frank, John
Goodman - Bessie, Edward
Goodman - Goodman's Jewelers - Brothers Robert & Irwin were Jewelers and philanthropists - Belle, Harry

Goodnight - Gertrude, Scott, Susan, Thomas
Goodnow - Calista, Horace
Goodwin - Grace
Gordon - Willard
Gorham - George's birth is the oldest date listed on any marker in Forest Hill (1770) - Daniel, Helen, Ida, James, Lura, Sarah
Gorman - Clarice

Gottschalk - August
Gove - George was a Civil War veteran - Anna
Grabbert - Fritz
Graf - Cordelia
Graham - Priscilla
Grahn - Lawrence was killed in action, France during WWII (1944), buried at Forest Hill five years later
Granat - Bertha passed at 99 years old (1990) - George

Grann - Child, Frances, James
Grannis - Marcius was in streetcar accident in Ohio (1894) - Julia
Grant - Marshall succumbed to blood loss due to a hand laceration from falling on a broken milk bottle (1934)
Grant - Cherie
Grant - Alexander, Eleanor
Grant - Charles
Grapsas - Agnes, Spiredon

Grass - Raymond shot himself with a shotgun in his car after shooting at his estranged wife and her co-worker (1998)
Gratz - Matheus drown in Lake Mendota when his row boat capsized in high winds (1894) - Amelia, Dorothy, Herman, Jean, Martin, Theodore
Gratz - August, Johanna, Matthew, Merlin, Rose
Graven - Alfred
Graves - Michael succumbed after six months of injuries from an automobile accident (2000)
Gray - William, Zelda
Gray - Frederick's dump truck overturned on Lacey Road just off Fish Hatchery Road while he was trying to light a cigarette (1959) - Waueta

Green - Charles
Green - Thomas
Greene - Beverly, James
Greene - Audrey, Ray
Greenleaf - George was in a railroad accident in Chicago (1900), moved to Forest Hill from Chicago - Agnes, Anne, Frederick, Janet
Gregory - Jared was Madison's twelfth mayor (1873) - Charles, Charlotte, Cora, Janet, Stephen, Tappan

Greig - Jonathan succumbed to an accidental overdose of medication to help him sleep (1906) - Caroline, John, Margaret, Ruth
Greisen - Peter was in a motorcycle accident on Nakoma Road (1966) - Thomas was killed in action in Vietnam (1969) - Caryl, John
Grieve - Emma, William
Griff - 6yo Dolly succumbed "Resulted from being burned" (1929)
Griffin - Vaughn was asphyxiated by gas from a stove (1929)
Griffith - Ida passed at 99 years old (1967) - John

Griffiths - Mary
Grimes - Mary
Grimes - Frank
Grimmer - Anton was killed by railroad cars (1908)
Gruenhagen - Janet and James Rifleman were in an auto accident in Illinois (1971) - Jack, Lucia
Groshong - Clifton was in an auto accident in Kansas City, Missouri (1933)

Gross - Bessie was hit by a car crossing Northport Drive to get a newspaper (1959) - Phillip
Grossman - Robert died in a hunting accident near Devils Lake State Park (1986)
Grounsell - John was hit by a truck on Hwy 12 near the Dane County Home where he lived (1950) - Harry
Grover - Edward fell thirty five feet while working in Detroit (1926)
Groves - John was mayor of Madison (1902-03) - Rachel
Groves - Infant

Gruenhagen - Janet, and James Rifleman, were in an auto accident in Rochelle, Illinois (1971) - Jack, Lucia
Gruendler - Edith passed at 99 years old (2018) - Anna, Charles, George, Herman, Karl, Russell, Wilhelmina
Grunow - Gerald
Gulesserian - Frieda, Solomon
Gulley - Carson, chef at the University of Wisconsin, had his own televised cooking show, and fought for the Fair Housing Ordinance - Beatrice
Gullickson - Marie and her step father passed seven hours apart (1925)

Gundermann - Evelyn, Howard
Gunderson - Arnold's truck overturned near Monroe (1932) - David
Gunderson - George was in a railroad accident in Rio, WI (1909) - Albert, Clara, Robert, Sarah, Shirley
Gunderson - Elmer, Inez
Gunderson - Viola, William
Gundlach - 10yo Robert was one of three boys that perished from an accident hitching sleds to a car (1936) - Carl, Elizabeth, Helen, Herman, Lillian, Louis, Mina, Pauline

Gurevich - Rosa, Vladimir - Epitaph: Survived The Blockade
Guy - Alice, Andrew
Gyles - Maude had convulsions do to a fall (1937), moved from Section 15 to section 32 (1942) - Infant